apache | |
  thrift | |
   transport | |
    TSaslClientTransport | |
    TSaslServerTransport | |
     Factory | |
     TSaslServerDefinition | |
    TSaslTransport | |
 com | |
  cloudera | |
   impala | |
    analysis | |
     AggregateInfo | |
      AggPhase | |
     AggregateInfoBase | |
     AlterTableAddPartitionStmt | |
     AlterTableAddReplaceColsStmt | |
     AlterTableChangeColStmt | |
     AlterTableDropColStmt | |
     AlterTableDropPartitionStmt | |
     AlterTableOrViewRenameStmt | |
     AlterTableSetCachedStmt | |
     AlterTableSetFileFormatStmt | |
     AlterTableSetLocationStmt | |
     AlterTableSetStmt | |
     AlterTableSetTblProperties | |
     AlterTableStmt | |
     AlterViewStmt | |
     AnalysisContext | |
      AnalysisResult | |
     AnalyticExpr | |
     AnalyticInfo | |
     AnalyticWindow | |
      Boundary | |
      BoundaryType | |
      Type | |
     Analyzer | |
      GlobalState | |
      ValueTransferGraph | |
     ArithmeticExpr | |
      Operator | |
     AuthorizationStmt | |
     BaseTableRef | |
     BetweenPredicate | |
     BinaryPredicate | |
      Operator | |
     BoolLiteral | |
     CaseExpr | |
     CaseWhenClause | |
     CastExpr | |
     CollectionStructType | |
     CollectionTableRef | |
     ColumnDef | |
     Vertex | |
     VertexId | |
     MultiEdge | |
      EdgeType | |
     ColumnLineageGraph | |
     CompoundPredicate | |
      Operator | |
     ComputeStatsStmt | |
     CreateDataSrcStmt | |
     CreateDbStmt | |
     CreateDropRoleStmt | |
     CreateFunctionStmtBase | |
      OptArg | |
     CreateOrAlterViewStmtBase | |
     CreateTableAsSelectStmt | |
     CreateTableDataSrcStmt | |
     CreateTableLikeFileStmt | |
     CreateTableLikeStmt | |
     CreateTableStmt | |
     CreateUdaStmt | |
     CreateUdfStmt | |
     CreateViewStmt | |
     DescribeStmt | |
     DescriptorTable | |
     DropDataSrcStmt | |
     DropDbStmt | |
     DropFunctionStmt | |
     DropStatsStmt | |
     DropTableOrViewStmt | |
     EquivalenceClassId | |
     ExistsPredicate | |
     Expr | |
     ExprId | |
     ExprSubstitutionMap | |
     ExtractFromExpr | |
     FunctionArgs | |
     FunctionCallExpr | |
     FunctionName | |
     FunctionParams | |
     GrantRevokePrivStmt | |
     GrantRevokeRoleStmt | |
     HdfsCachingOp | |
     HdfsUri | |
     InlineViewRef | |
     InPredicate | |
     InsertStmt | |
     IsNullPredicate | |
     JoinOperator | |
     LikePredicate | |
      Operator | |
     LimitElement | |
     LiteralExpr | |
     LoadDataStmt | |
     NullLiteral | |
     NumericLiteral | |
     OrderByElement | |
     ParseNode | |
     PartitionKeyValue | |
     PartitionListItem | |
     PartitionSpec | |
     Path | |
      PathType | |
     Predicate | |
     PrivilegeSpec | |
     QueryStmt | |
     ResetMetadataStmt | |
     SelectList | |
     SelectListItem | |
     SelectStmt | |
     SetStmt | |
     ShowCreateTableStmt | |
     ShowDataSrcsStmt | |
     ShowDbsStmt | |
     ShowFilesStmt | |
     ShowFunctionsStmt | |
     ShowGrantRoleStmt | |
     ShowPartitionsStmt | |
     ShowRolesStmt | |
     ShowStatsStmt | |
     ShowTablesStmt | |
     SlotDescriptor | |
     SlotId | |
     SlotRef | |
     SortInfo | |
     StatementBase | |
     StmtRewriter | |
     StringLiteral | |
     Subquery | |
     TableName | |
     TableRef | |
     TimestampArithmeticExpr | |
      TimeUnit | |
     ToSqlUtils | |
     TupleDescriptor | |
     TupleId | |
     TupleIsNullPredicate | |
     TypeDef | |
     TypesUtil | |
     UnionStmt | |
      Qualifier | |
      UnionOperand | |
     UseStmt | |
     ValuesStmt | |
     WithClause | |
     AnalyzeAuthStmtsTest | |
     AnalyzeDDLTest | |
     AnalyzeExprsTest | |
     AnalyzerTest | |
     AnalyzeStmtsTest | |
     AnalyzeSubqueriesTest | |
     AuditingTest | |
     AuthorizationTest | |
     ExprTest | |
     ParserTest | |
     ToSqlTest | |
     TypesUtilTest | |
    authorization | |
     AuthorizationChecker | |
     AuthorizationConfig | |
     Authorizeable | |
     AuthorizeableDb | |
     AuthorizeableFn | |
     AuthorizeableServer | |
     AuthorizeableTable | |
     AuthorizeableUri | |
     ImpalaInternalAdminUser | |
     Privilege | |
     PrivilegeRequest | |
     PrivilegeRequestBuilder | |
     SentryConfig | |
     User | |
    catalog | |
     AggregateFunction | |
     ArrayType | |
     AuthorizationException | |
     AuthorizationPolicy | |
     BuiltinsDb | |
     Catalog | |
     CatalogDeltaLog | |
     CatalogException | |
     CatalogObject | |
     CatalogObjectCache< T extends CatalogObject > | |
     CatalogServiceCatalog | |
      CachePoolReader | |
     Column | |
     ColumnNotFoundException | |
     ColumnStats | |
     DatabaseNotFoundException | |
     DataSource | |
     DataSourceTable | |
     Db | |
     Function | |
      CompareMode | |
     HBaseColumn | |
     HBaseTable | |
     HdfsCachePool | |
     HdfsCompression | |
     HdfsFileFormat | |
     HdfsPartition | |
      BlockReplica | |
      CachedHmsPartitionDescriptor | |
      FileBlock | |
      FileDescriptor | |
     HdfsStorageDescriptor | |
      InvalidStorageDescriptorException | |
     HdfsTable | |
      FileBlocksInfo | |
      FsKey | |
     HiveStorageDescriptorFactory | |
     ImpaladCatalog | |
     IncompleteTable | |
     MapType | |
     MetaStoreClientPool | |
      MetaStoreClient | |
     PartitionNotFoundException | |
     PartitionStatsUtil | |
     PrimitiveType | |
     Role | |
     RolePrivilege | |
     RowFormat | |
     ScalarFunction | |
     ScalarType | |
     StructField | |
     StructType | |
     Table | |
     TableId | |
     TableLoader | |
     TableLoadingException | |
     TableLoadingMgr | |
      LoadRequest | |
     TableNotFoundException | |
     Type | |
     View | |
     CatalogObjectToFromThriftTest | |
     CatalogTest | |
     HdfsPartitionTest | |
     HdfsStorageDescriptorTest | |
     TestSchemaUtils | |
    common | |
     AliasGenerator | |
     AnalysisException | |
     ByteUnits | |
     ColumnAliasGenerator | |
     FileSystemUtil | |
     Id< IdType extends Id< IdType > > | |
     IdGenerator< IdType extends Id< IdType > > | |
     ImpalaException | |
     ImpalaRuntimeException | |
     InternalException | |
     JniUtil | |
     NotImplementedException | |
     Pair< F, S > | |
     PrintUtils | |
     Reference< RefType > | |
     RuntimeEnv | |
     TableAliasGenerator | |
     TreeNode< NodeType extends TreeNode< NodeType > > | |
    extdatasource | |
     ApiVersion | |
     ExternalDataSourceExecutor | |
    hive | |
     executor | |
      ImpalaBigIntWritable | |
      ImpalaBooleanWritable | |
      ImpalaBytesWritable | |
      ImpalaDoubleWritable | |
      ImpalaFloatWritable | |
      ImpalaIntWritable | |
      ImpalaSmallIntWritable | |
      ImpalaStringWritable | |
      ImpalaTextWritable | |
      ImpalaTinyIntWritable | |
      UdfExecutor | |
      TestUdf | |
      UdfExecutorTest | |
    planner | |
     AggregationNode | |
     AnalyticEvalNode | |
     AnalyticPlanner | |
      PartitionGroup | |
      SortGroup | |
       SizeLt | |
      WindowGroup | |
     CrossJoinNode | |
     DataPartition | |
     DataSink | |
     DataSourceScanNode | |
     DataStreamSink | |
     DistributedPlanner | |
     EmptySetNode | |
     ExchangeNode | |
     HashJoinNode | |
      DistributionMode | |
     HBaseScanNode | |
     HBaseTableSink | |
     HdfsPartitionFilter | |
     HdfsScanNode | |
     HdfsTableSink | |
     PipelinedPlanNodeSet | |
     PlanFragment | |
     PlanFragmentId | |
     Planner | |
     PlannerContext | |
     PlanNode | |
     PlanNodeId | |
     ScanNode | |
     SelectNode | |
     SingleNodePlanner | |
     SortNode | |
     TableSink | |
     UnionNode | |
     ValueRange | |
     PlannerTest | |
     PlannerTestBase | |
     S3PlannerTest | |
    service | |
     BackendConfig | |
     CatalogOpExecutor | |
     DescribeResultFactory | |
     FeSupport | |
     Frontend | |
      AuthorizationPolicyReader | |
     JniCatalog | |
     JniFrontend | |
      CdhVersion | |
     MetadataOp | |
      DbsMetadata | |
     FrontendTest | |
     JdbcTest | |
    testutil | |
     BlockIdGenerator | |
     CatalogServiceTestCatalog | |
     ImpaladTestCatalog | |
     ImpalaJdbcClient | |
      ClientExecOptions | |
     SentryServicePinger | |
     TestFileParser | |
      Section | |
      TestCase | |
     TestUtils | |
    util | |
     AvroSchemaParser | |
     DisjointSet< T > | |
     EventSequence | |
     FileWatchService | |
      FileChangeListener | |
     FsPermissionChecker | |
      Permissions | |
     GlogAppender | |
     HdfsCachingUtil | |
     ListMap< T > | |
     MaxRowsProcessedVisitor | |
     MetaStoreUtil | |
     NativeLibUtil | |
     NativeLogger | |
     PatternMatcher | |
     RequestPoolService | |
      LlamaConfWatcher | |
     SentryPolicyService | |
      SentryServiceClient | |
     SentryProxy | |
      PolicyReader | |
     StatsHelper< T extends Number > | |
     TAccessLevelUtil | |
     TColumnValueUtil | |
     TResultRowBuilder | |
     TSessionStateUtil | |
     UnsafeUtil | |
     Visitor< T > | |
     TestDisjointSet | |
     TestRequestPoolService | |
 gen_ir_descriptions | |
 google | |
  glog_internal_namespace_ | |
 impala | This file contains type definitions that are used throughout the code base |
  Coordinator | |
   BackendExecState | |
  SSEUtil | This class contains constants useful for text processing with SSE4.2 intrinsics |
  CatalogServer | |
  Catalog | |
  CodegenAnyVal | |
  InstructionCounterTest | |
  InstructionCounter | |
  LlvmCodeGenTest | |
  LlvmCodeGen | LLVM code generator. This is the top level object to generate jitted code |
   FnPrototype | |
   NamedVariable | Utility struct that wraps a variable name and llvm type |
  SubExprElimination | |
  AtomicUtil | |
  AtomicInt | |
  ObjectPool | |
   GenericElement | |
   SpecificElement | |
  Status | |
  AggregationNode | |
  AnalyticEvalNode | |
  BaseSequenceScanner | |
   FileHeader | |
  BlockingJoinNode | |
  CatalogOpExecutor | |
  CrossJoinNode | |
  DataSink | Superclass of all data sinks |
  DataSourceScanNode | |
  DelimitedTextParser | |
  EmptySetNode | |
  ExchangeNode | |
  ExecNode | |
   RowBatchQueue | |
  ExternalDataSourceExecutor | |
  HashJoinNode | |
  HashTableTest | |
   ProbeTestData | |
  HashTableCtx | |
  HashTable | |
   Bucket | |
   DuplicateNode | Linked list of entries used for duplicates |
   HtData | Either the row in the tuple stream or a pointer to the single tuple of this row |
   Iterator | Stl-like iterator interface |
  HBaseScanNode | |
  HBaseTableScanner | |
   ScanRange | HBase scan range; "" means unbounded |
  HBaseTableSink | |
  HBaseTableWriter | |
  HdfsAvroScanner | |
   AvroFileHeader | |
   SchemaElement | |
   ScopedAvroSchemaT | Wrapper for avro_schema_t's that handles decrementing the ref count |
  HdfsAvroTableWriter | |
  HdfsLzoTextScanner | |
  HdfsParquetScanner | |
   BaseColumnReader | |
   BoolColumnReader | |
   ColumnReader | |
   FileVersion | |
   SchemaNode | Internal representation of a column schema (including nested-type columns) |
  HdfsParquetTableWriter | |
   BaseColumnWriter | |
    DataPage | |
   BoolColumnWriter | |
   ColumnWriter | |
  HdfsRCFileScanner | A scanner for reading RCFiles into tuples |
   ColumnInfo | |
   RcFileHeader | Data that is fixed across headers. This struct is shared between scan ranges |
  HdfsFileDesc | |
  ScanRangeMetadata | |
  HdfsScanNode | |
  FieldLocation | |
  HdfsScanner | |
  HdfsSequenceScanner | |
   RecordLocation | Struct for record locations and lens in compressed blocks |
   SeqFileHeader | Data that is fixed across headers. This struct is shared between scan ranges |
  HdfsSequenceTableWriter | |
  OutputPartition | |
  HdfsTableSink | |
  HdfsTableWriter | |
  HdfsTextScanner | |
  HdfsTextTableWriter | |
  OldHashTableTest | |
   ProbeTestData | |
  OldHashTable | The hash table does not support removes. The hash table is not thread safe |
   Bucket | |
   Iterator | Stl-like iterator interface |
   Node | |
  ParquetPlainEncoder | |
  PartitionedAggregationNode | |
   Partition | |
  PartitionedHashJoinNode | |
   Partition | |
  ReadWriteUtil | |
  RowBatchListTest | |
  RowBatchList | |
   TupleRowIterator | A simple iterator used to scan over all the rows stored in the list |
  ScanNode | Abstract base class of all scan nodes; introduces SetScanRange() |
  ScannerContext | |
   Stream | |
  SelectNode | |
  SortExecExprs | |
  SortNode | |
  TextConverter | |
  TopNNode | |
  UnionNode | |
  WriteStream | |
  BitWriter_8byte | |
  BitReader_8byte | |
  GrowingTest | |
  PartitioningThroughputTest | |
   Buffer | |
   BufferBuffer | |
  StringSearchSSE | |
  AggFnEvaluator | |
  AvgState | |
  DecimalAvgState | |
  ReservoirSample | |
  ReservoirSample< StringVal > | |
  ReservoirSampleState | |
  KnuthVarianceState | |
  RankState | |
  AggregateFunctions | |
  AnyValUtil | Utilities for AnyVals |
  CaseExprState | |
  CaseExpr | |
  CastFunctions | |
  CompoundPredicate | |
  AndPredicate | Expr for evaluating and (&&) operators |
  OrPredicate | Expr for evaluating or (||) operators |
  ConditionalFunctions | Conditional functions that can be expressed as UDFs |
  IsNullExpr | |
  NullIfExpr | |
  IfExpr | |
  CoalesceExpr | |
  DecimalFunctions | |
  DecimalOperators | |
  ExprContext | |
  ScopedTimeZoneOverride | |
  ScopedLocalUnixTimestampConversionOverride | |
  ExprTest | |
  ExprValue | The materialized value returned by ExprContext::GetValue() |
  Expr | This is the superclass of all expr evaluation nodes |
  JniContext | |
  HiveUdfCall | If the UDF ran into an error, the FE throws an exception |
  InPredicateBenchmark | |
   TestData | |
  InPredicate | Predicate for evaluating expressions of the form "val [NOT] IN (x1, x2, x3...)" |
   SetLookupState | |
  IsNullPredicate | |
  LikePredicate | This class handles the Like, Regexp, and Rlike predicates and uses the udf interface |
   LikePredicateState | |
  Literal | |
  MathFunctions | |
  NullLiteral | |
  Operators | Operators written against the UDF interface |
  Predicate | |
  ScalarFnCall | |
  SlotRef | Reference to a single slot of a tuple |
  StringFunctions | |
  TimestampFunctions | TODO: Reconsider whether this class needs to exist |
  TimezoneDatabase | Functions to load and access the timestamp database |
  TupleIsNullPredicate | |
  UdfBuiltins | |
  UtilityFunctions | |
  LlamaNotificationThriftIf | |
  ResourceBroker | |
   AllocatedRequest | |
   PendingRequest | |
  AuthProvider | |
  SaslAuthProvider | |
  NoAuthProvider | |
  AuthManager | |
  RpcEventHandler | |
   InvocationContext | Created per-Rpc invocation |
   MethodDescriptor | Per-method descriptor |
  ThriftClientImpl | Super class for templatized thrift clients |
  ThriftClient | |
  ThriftServer | |
   ConnectionContext | Per-connection information |
   ConnectionHandlerIf | Interface class for receiving connection creation / termination events |
   ThriftServerEventProcessor | |
  ThriftThreadFactory | |
  ThriftThread | |
  ThriftSerializer | |
  ThriftDeserializer | |
  BufferedBlockMgrTest | |
  BufferedBlockMgr | |
   Block | |
   BufferDescriptor | Descriptor for a single memory buffer in the pool |
   Client | |
  SimpleTupleStreamTest | |
  SimpleNullStreamTest | |
  MultiTupleStreamTest | |
  MultiNullableTupleStreamTest | |
  BufferedTupleStream | The underlying memory management is done by the BufferedBlockMgr |
   RowIdx | |
  ClientCacheHelper | This class is thread-safe |
   PerHostCache | |
  ClientCache | |
  ClientConnection | |
  DebugOptions | |
  InstanceComparator | |
  FragmentInstanceCounters | Struct for per fragment instance counters that will be aggregated by the coordinator |
  PerFragmentProfileData | Per fragment profile information |
  DataStreamMgr | |
   ComparisonOp | Less-than ordering for pair<TUniqueId, PlanNodeId> |
  DataStreamRecvr | |
   SenderQueue | |
  DataStreamSender | |
   Channel | |
  ImpalaTestBackend | |
  DataStreamTest | |
   ReceiverInfo | |
   SenderInfo | |
  DecimalValue | |
  LlvmTupleStruct | |
  NullIndicatorOffset | |
  SlotDescriptor | |
  TableDescriptor | Base class for table descriptors |
  HdfsPartitionDescriptor | Metadata for a single partition inside an Hdfs table |
  HdfsTableDescriptor | |
  HBaseTableDescriptor | |
   HBaseColumnDescriptor | |
  DataSourceTableDescriptor | Descriptor for a DataSourceTable |
  TupleDescriptor | |
  DescriptorTbl | |
  RowDescriptor | |
  DiskIoMgrStress | |
   Client | |
   File | |
  DiskIoMgrTest | |
  DiskIoMgr | |
   BufferDescriptor | |
   DiskQueue | Per disk state |
   RequestContext | |
    PerDiskState | |
   RequestContextCache | |
   RequestRange | |
   RequestType | The request type, read or write associated with a request range |
   ScanRange | |
   WriteRange | |
  ExecEnv | |
  FreePool | |
   FreeListNode | |
  HBaseTableFactory | |
  HBaseTable | Class to wrap JNI calls into HTable |
  HdfsFsCache | |
  LibCache | |
   LibCacheEntry | |
  MemPoolTest | |
  MemPool | |
   ChunkInfo | |
  GcFunctionHelper | |
  MemTracker | This class is thread-safe |
  ParallelExecutorTest | |
  ParallelExecutor | |
  PlanFragmentExecutor | |
  RawValueTest | |
  RawValue | Useful utility functions for runtime values (which are passed around as void*) |
  RowBatch | |
  RuntimeState | |
  SortedRunMerger | |
   BatchedRowSupplier | |
  Sorter | Note that Init() must be called right after the constructor |
   Run | |
   TupleSorter | |
    TupleIterator | |
  StringBuffer | |
  StringSearch | |
  StringValue | |
  NotifiedCounter | |
  ThreadResourceMgr | |
   ResourcePool | |
  DateTimeFormatToken | Used to store metadata about a token group within a date/time format |
  DateTimeFormatContext | |
  DateTimeParseResult | Stores the results of parsing a date/time string |
  TimestampParser | Used for parsing both default and custom formatted timestamp values |
  TimestampTC | |
  TimestampFormatTC | |
  TimestampToken | |
  TimestampValue | |
  TmpFileMgr | |
   File | |
  TupleRow | |
  Tuple | A tuple with 0 materialised slots is represented as NULL |
  ColumnType | |
  AdmissionController | |
   PoolMetrics | |
   QueueNode | |
  RequestPoolService | |
  ChildQuery | |
  FragmentMgr | |
   FragmentExecState | Execution state of a single plan fragment |
  Frontend | |
  ImpalaInternalService | |
  ImapalaServiceWebHandlers | |
  CancellationWork | |
  ImpalaServer | |
   AsciiQueryResultSet | |
   CatalogUpdateVersionInfo | Contains details on the version information of a catalog update |
   ExpirationEventComparator | Comparator that breaks ties when two queries have identical expiration deadlines |
   HS2ColumnarResultSet | |
   HS2RowOrientedResultSet | |
   QueryExecState | |
   QueryResultSet | |
   QueryStateRecord | Snapshot of a query's state, archived in the query log |
   ScopedSessionState | |
   SessionState | |
  LdapTestServer | |
  FailureDetector | |
  TimeoutFailureDetector | |
  MissedHeartbeatFailureDetector | |
  ResourceResolver | |
  QueryResourceMgr | Only CPU-heavy threads need be managed using this class |
  FragmentExecParams | |
  QuerySchedule | |
  Scheduler | |
  SimpleSchedulerTest | |
  SimpleScheduler | |
  StateStore2Test | |
   Callbacks | |
   TopicCallbacks | |
  TestRegistrationCb | |
  TestReceiveTopicCb | |
  StatestoreSubscriberThriftIf | |
  StatestoreSubscriber | |
   Callbacks | |
  Statestore | |
   Subscriber | |
    TopicState | |
   Topic | |
   TopicEntry | |
  DescriptorTblBuilder | |
  TupleDescBuilder | |
  ImpaladQueryExecutor | Query execution against running impalad process |
  InProcessImpalaServer | |
  InProcessStatestore | An in-process statestore, with webserver and metrics |
  FunctionContextImpl | |
  MemcpyData | |
  BenchmarkTest | |
  Benchmark | |
   BenchmarkResult | |
  BitWriter | |
  BitReader | |
  BitUtil | |
  Bitmap | |
  MultiThreadTest | |
  BlockingQueue | |
  BufferBuilder | Utility class to build an in-memory buffer |
  CgroupsMgr | |
  Codec | |
  SetMetric | Metric whose value is a set of items |
  StatsMetric | |
  GzipCompressor | |
  BzipCompressor | |
  SnappyBlockCompressor | |
  SnappyCompressor | |
  Lz4Compressor | |
  HashTNetworkAddressPtr | |
  TNetworkAddressPtrEquals | |
  CpuInfo | |
  DebugRuntimeProfile | |
  DecimalUtil | |
  DecompressorTest | |
  GzipDecompressor | |
  BzipDecompressor | |
  SnappyDecompressor | |
  Lz4Decompressor | |
  SnappyBlockDecompressor | |
  DictEncoderBase | |
  DictEncoder | |
   Node | Node in the chained hash table |
  DictDecoderBase | |
  DictDecoder | |
  DiskInfo | |
   Disk | |
  ErrorMsg | |
  FileSystemUtil | |
  HashUtil | Utility class to compute hash values |
  HdfsOp | |
  HdfsOperationSet | |
  ImpaladMetricKeys | Contains the keys (strings) for impala metrics |
  ImpaladMetrics | |
  IntNode | |
  InternalQueue | T must be a subclass of InternalQueue::Node |
   Node | |
  JniLocalFrame | |
  JniMethodDescriptor | Describes one method to look up in a Java object |
  JniUtil | |
  KeyNormalizer | Finally, we pad any remaining bytes of the key with zeroes |
  FifoMultimap | |
  MemInfo | |
  TcmallocMetric | Specialised metric which exposes numeric properties from tcmalloc |
   PhysicalBytesMetric | |
  JvmMetric | |
  Metric | TODO: Add ToThrift() for conversion to an RPC-friendly format |
  SimpleMetric | |
  MetricGroup | MetricGroups may be organised hierarchically as a tree |
  OsInfo | Provides information about the OS we're running on |
  ThreadStats | Container struct for statistics read from the /proc filesystem for a thread |
  ParseUtil | Utility class for parsing information from strings |
  PathBuilder | Utility class to construct full paths relative to the impala_home path |
  PerfCounters | |
   CounterData | |
  PeriodicCounterUpdater | |
   BucketCountersInfo | |
   RateCounterInfo | |
   SamplingCounterInfo | |
  PrettyPrinter | |
  ProcessStateInfo | |
  ProgressUpdater | |
  ScopedLimitResetter | |
  Promise | |
  TempRulesFile | |
  Rule | |
  RulesParser | |
  RleDecoder | Decoder class for RLE encoded data |
  RleEncoder | |
  RuntimeProfile | |
   AveragedCounter | |
   Counter | |
   DerivedCounter | |
   EventSequence | |
   HighWaterMarkCounter | |
   ThreadCounters | A set of counters that measure thread info, such as total time, user time, sys time |
   TimeSeriesCounter | |
  ScopedEvent | Utility class to mark an event when the object is destroyed |
  ScopedCounter | |
  ScopedTimer | |
  ThreadCounterMeasurement | |
  SimpleLogger | |
  SpinLock | Lightweight spinlock |
  StatUtil | |
  UnusedClass | |
  StopWatch | |
  MonotonicStopWatch | |
  StreamingSampler | |
  StringParser | |
   StringParseTraits | |
  SymbolsUtil | Utility class to manipulate c++/IR symbols, mangling and demangling names |
  TablePrinter | |
  TestInfo | |
  ThreadPool | |
  ThreadMgr | |
   ThreadDescriptor | |
  Thread | TODO: Consider allowing fragment IDs as category parameters |
  ThreadGroup | |
  TimerMetric | |
  TupleRowComparator | |
  TupleEqualityChecker | Compares the equality of two Tuples, going slot by slot |
  RowEqualityChecker | Compares the equality of two TupleRows, going tuple by tuple |
  UrlParser | |
  Webserver | |
   UrlHandler | |
 impala_udf | |
  UdaTestHarnessUtil | |
  UdaTestHarnessBase | |
   ScopedFunctionContext | |
  UdaTestHarness | |
  UdaTestHarness2 | |
  UdaTestHarness3 | |
  UdaTestHarness4 | |
  UdfTestHarness | Utility class to help test UDFs |
  FunctionContext | |
   TypeDesc | |
   UniqueId | |
  AnyVal | |
  BooleanVal | |
  TinyIntVal | |
  SmallIntVal | |
  IntVal | |
  BigIntVal | |
  FloatVal | |
  DoubleVal | |
  TimestampVal | This object has a compatible storage format with boost::ptime |
  StringVal | |
  DecimalVal | |
 llama | |
 llvm | Forward declare all llvm classes to avoid namespace pollution |
  IRBuilder | |
  IRBuilderDefaultInserter | |
 re2 | |
 sasl | |
  SaslException | |
  TSasl | |
  SaslClientImplException | |
  TSaslClient | |
  SaslServerImplException | |
  TSaslServer | |
 AvgStruct | |
 BaseInt128 | |
 CachedExprResult | |
 CatalogServiceIf | |
 CatalogServiceThriftIf | |
 Cloneable | |
 CompactStringValue | |
 Comparable | |
 DataPartitioner | |
  BuildPartition | |
  Partition | |
 DataProvider | See data-provider-test.cc on how to use this |
  ColDesc | |
  Value | |
 ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceIf | |
 ImpalaInternalServiceIf | |
 ImpalaServiceIf | |
 ImpalaTupleStruct | |
 int96 | |
 IntGauge | |
 Iterable | |
 LdapTestIf | |
 MemLayoutData | |
 MinState | |
 NetworkTestServiceIf | |
 PaddedTupleStruct | |
 PerColumnStats | |
 Planner | |
 PointerValue | |
 RpcEventHandlerManager | |
 Runnable | |
 StatestoreServiceIf | |
 StatestoreSubscriberIf | |
 StatestoreThriftIf | |
 TestData | |
 TestServer | |
 Thread | |
 ThreadFactory | |
 TProcessorEventHandler | |
 TruncUnit | |
 TServerEventHandler | |
 TTransportException | |
 TTransportFactory | |
 TVirtualTransport | |
 UIntGauge | |
 UnpaddedTupleStruct | |