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impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode Class Reference

#include <partitioned-hash-join-node.h>

Inheritance diagram for impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode:
Collaboration diagram for impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode:


class  Partition

Public Member Functions

 PartitionedHashJoinNode (ObjectPool *pool, const TPlanNode &tnode, const DescriptorTbl &descs)
virtual Status Init (const TPlanNode &tnode)
virtual Status Prepare (RuntimeState *state)
virtual Status GetNext (RuntimeState *state, RowBatch *row_batch, bool *eos)
 Open() implemented in BlockingJoinNode. More...
virtual Status Reset (RuntimeState *state)
virtual void Close (RuntimeState *state)
virtual Status Open (RuntimeState *state)
std::string DebugString () const
 Returns a string representation in DFS order of the plan rooted at this. More...
void CollectNodes (TPlanNodeType::type node_type, std::vector< ExecNode * > *nodes)
void CollectScanNodes (std::vector< ExecNode * > *nodes)
 Collect all scan node types. More...
const std::vector< ExprContext * > & conjunct_ctxs () const
int id () const
TPlanNodeType::type type () const
const RowDescriptorrow_desc () const
int64_t rows_returned () const
int64_t limit () const
bool ReachedLimit ()
RuntimeProfileruntime_profile ()
MemTrackermem_tracker ()
MemTrackerexpr_mem_tracker ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Status CreateTree (ObjectPool *pool, const TPlan &plan, const DescriptorTbl &descs, ExecNode **root)
static void SetDebugOptions (int node_id, TExecNodePhase::type phase, TDebugAction::type action, ExecNode *tree)
 Set debug action for node with given id in 'tree'. More...
static bool EvalConjuncts (ExprContext *const *ctxs, int num_ctxs, TupleRow *row)
static llvm::Function * CodegenEvalConjuncts (RuntimeState *state, const std::vector< ExprContext * > &conjunct_ctxs, const char *name="EvalConjuncts")
static int GetNodeIdFromProfile (RuntimeProfile *p)
 Extract node id from p->name(). More...

Static Public Attributes

static const char * LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::BlockingJoinNode"
static const std::string ROW_THROUGHPUT_COUNTER = "RowsReturnedRate"
 Names of counters shared by all exec nodes. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void AddToDebugString (int indentation_level, std::stringstream *out) const
virtual Status InitGetNext (TupleRow *first_probe_row)
virtual Status ConstructBuildSide (RuntimeState *state)
virtual void DebugString (int indentation_level, std::stringstream *out) const
 Subclasses should not override, use AddToDebugString() to add to the result. More...
std::string GetLeftChildRowString (TupleRow *row)
void CreateOutputRow (TupleRow *out_row, TupleRow *probe_row, TupleRow *build_row)
ExecNodechild (int i)
bool is_closed ()
virtual bool IsScanNode () const
void InitRuntimeProfile (const std::string &name)
Status ExecDebugAction (TExecNodePhase::type phase, RuntimeState *state)
void AddRuntimeExecOption (const std::string &option)
 Appends option to 'runtime_exec_options_'. More...
virtual Status QueryMaintenance (RuntimeState *state)
void AddExprCtxToFree (ExprContext *ctx)
void AddExprCtxsToFree (const std::vector< ExprContext * > &ctxs)
void AddExprCtxsToFree (const SortExecExprs &sort_exec_exprs)

Static Protected Member Functions

static Status CreateNode (ObjectPool *pool, const TPlanNode &tnode, const DescriptorTbl &descs, ExecNode **node)
 Create a single exec node derived from thrift node; place exec node in 'pool'. More...
static Status CreateTreeHelper (ObjectPool *pool, const std::vector< TPlanNode > &tnodes, const DescriptorTbl &descs, ExecNode *parent, int *node_idx, ExecNode **root)

Protected Attributes

const std::string node_name_
TJoinOp::type join_op_
bool eos_
boost::scoped_ptr< MemPoolbuild_pool_
boost::scoped_ptr< RowBatchprobe_batch_
bool probe_side_eos_
int probe_batch_pos_
bool matched_probe_
int probe_tuple_row_size_
int build_tuple_row_size_
bool can_add_probe_filters_
int id_
TPlanNodeType::type type_
std::vector< ExprContext * > conjunct_ctxs_
std::vector< ExecNode * > children_
RowDescriptor row_descriptor_
TExecNodePhase::type debug_phase_
TDebugAction::type debug_action_
int64_t limit_
int64_t num_rows_returned_
boost::scoped_ptr< RuntimeProfileruntime_profile_
boost::scoped_ptr< MemTrackermem_tracker_
 Account for peak memory used by this node. More...
boost::scoped_ptr< MemTrackerexpr_mem_tracker_
 MemTracker that should be used for ExprContexts. More...
boost::mutex exec_options_lock_
std::string runtime_exec_options_

Private Types

typedef Status(* ProcessBuildBatchFn )(PartitionedHashJoinNode *, RowBatch *)
 llvm function and signature for codegening build batch. More...
typedef int(* ProcessProbeBatchFn )(PartitionedHashJoinNode *, RowBatch *, HashTableCtx *)
 llvm function and signature for codegening probe batch. More...

Private Member Functions

bool AppendRow (BufferedTupleStream *stream, TupleRow *row)
bool AppendRowStreamFull (BufferedTupleStream *stream, TupleRow *row)
Status SpillPartition (Partition **spilled_partition)
Status ProcessBuildInput (RuntimeState *state, int level)
Status ProcessBuildBatch (RowBatch *build_batch)
 Reads the rows in build_batch and partitions them in hash_partitions_. More...
Status BuildHashTables (RuntimeState *state)
template<int const JoinOp>
int ProcessProbeBatch (RowBatch *out_batch, HashTableCtx *ht_ctx)
int ProcessProbeBatch (const TJoinOp::type join_op, RowBatch *out_batch, HashTableCtx *ht_ctx)
 Wrapper that calls the templated version of ProcessProbeBatch() based on 'join_op'. More...
void OutputUnmatchedBuild (RowBatch *out_batch)
Status PrepareNullAwarePartition ()
 Initializes null_aware_partition_ and nulls_build_batch_ to output rows. More...
Status OutputNullAwareProbeRows (RuntimeState *state, RowBatch *out_batch)
Status EvaluateNullProbe (BufferedTupleStream *build)
Status PrepareNullAwareNullProbe ()
Status OutputNullAwareNullProbe (RuntimeState *state, RowBatch *out_batch)
Status CleanUpHashPartitions (RowBatch *batch)
Status ReserveTupleStreamBlocks ()
Status NextProbeRowBatch (RuntimeState *, RowBatch *out_batch)
Status NextSpilledProbeRowBatch (RuntimeState *, RowBatch *out_batch)
Status PrepareNextPartition (RuntimeState *)
int64_t LargestSpilledPartition () const
void ResetForProbe ()
 Prepares for probing the next batch. More...
bool AllocateProbeFilters (RuntimeState *state)
bool AttachProbeFilters (RuntimeState *state)
 Attach the probe filters to runtime state. More...
llvm::Function * CodegenCreateOutputRow (LlvmCodeGen *codegen)
 Codegen function to create output row. Assumes that the probe row is non-NULL. More...
bool CodegenProcessBuildBatch (RuntimeState *state, llvm::Function *hash_fn, llvm::Function *murmur_hash_fn)
bool CodegenProcessProbeBatch (RuntimeState *state, llvm::Function *hash_fn, llvm::Function *murmur_hash_fn)
std::string PrintState () const
 Returns the current state of the partition as a string. More...
void UpdateState (State s)
 Updates state_ to 's', logging the transition. More...
std::string NodeDebugString () const
int MinRequiredBuffers () const

Private Attributes

std::vector< ExprContext * > probe_expr_ctxs_
std::vector< ExprContext * > build_expr_ctxs_
std::vector< ExprContext * > other_join_conjunct_ctxs_
 Non-equi-join conjuncts from the JOIN clause. More...
bool using_small_buffers_
 If true, the partitions in hash_partitions_ are using small buffers. More...
State state_
 State of the algorithm. Used just for debugging. More...
Status status_
 Client to the buffered block mgr. More...
boost::scoped_ptr< HashTableCtxht_ctx_
HashTable::Iterator hash_tbl_iterator_
 The iterator that corresponds to the look up of current_probe_row_. More...
 Total time spent partitioning build. More...
 Total number of hash buckets across all partitions. More...
 Total number of partitions created. More...
 Level of max partition (i.e. number of repartitioning steps). More...
 Number of build/probe rows that have been partitioned. More...
 Number of partitions that have been repartitioned. More...
 Number of partitions that have been spilled. More...
 Time spent evaluating other_join_conjuncts for NAAJ. More...
ProcessBuildBatchFn process_build_batch_fn_
ProcessBuildBatchFn process_build_batch_fn_level0_
ProcessProbeBatchFn process_probe_batch_fn_
ProcessProbeBatchFn process_probe_batch_fn_level0_
std::list< Partition * > spilled_partitions_
std::vector< Partition * > hash_partitions_
HashTablehash_tbls_ [PARTITION_FANOUT]
std::list< Partition * > output_build_partitions_
std::vector< std::pair< SlotId,
Bitmap * > > 
boost::scoped_ptr< RowBatchnulls_build_batch_
bool non_empty_build_
 If true, the build side has at least one row. More...
std::vector< boolmatched_null_probe_
int64_t null_probe_output_idx_

Static Private Attributes

static const int PARTITION_FANOUT = 16
static const int NUM_PARTITIONING_BITS = 4
 Needs to be the log(PARTITION_FANOUT) More...
static const int MAX_PARTITION_DEPTH = 16

Detailed Description

Operator to perform partitioned hash join, spilling to disk as necessary. A spilled partition is one that is not fully pinned. The operator runs in these distinct phases:

  1. Consume all build input and partition them. No hash tables are maintained.
  2. Construct hash tables from as many partitions as possible.
  3. Consume all the probe rows. Rows belonging to partitions that are spilled must be spilled as well.
  4. Iterate over the spilled partitions, construct the hash table from the spilled build rows and process the spilled probe rows. If the partition is still too big, repeat steps 1-4, using this spilled partitions build and probe rows as input. TODO: don't copy tuple rows so often. TODO: we need multiple hash functions. Each repartition needs new hash functions or new bits. Multiplicative hashing? TODO: think about details about multithreading. Multiple partitions in parallel? Multiple threads against a single partition? How to build hash tables in parallel? TODO: BuildHashTables() should start with the partitions that are already pinned.

Definition at line 57 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Status(* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::ProcessBuildBatchFn)(PartitionedHashJoinNode *, RowBatch *)

llvm function and signature for codegening build batch.

Definition at line 418 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

typedef int(* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::ProcessProbeBatchFn)(PartitionedHashJoinNode *, RowBatch *, HashTableCtx *)

llvm function and signature for codegening probe batch.

Definition at line 427 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Implementation details: Logically, the algorithm runs in three modes.

  1. Read the build side rows and partition them into hash_partitions_. This is a fixed fan out of the input. The input can either come from child(1) OR from the build tuple stream of partition that needs to be repartitioned.
  2. Read the probe side rows, partition them and either perform the join or spill them into hash_partitions_. If the partition has the hash table in memory, we perform the join, otherwise we spill the probe row. Similar to step one, the rows can come from child(0) or a spilled partition.
  3. Read and construct a single spilled partition. In this case we're walking a spilled partition and the hash table fits in memory. Neither the build nor probe side need to be partitioned and we just perform the join. States: The transition goes from PARTITIONING_BUILD -> PROCESSING_PROBE -> PROBING_SPILLED_PARTITION/REPARTITIONING. The last two steps will switch back and forth as many times as we need to repartition.

Partitioning the build (right) child's input. Corresponds to mode 1 above but only when consuming from child(1).


Processing the probe (left) child's input. Corresponds to mode 2 above but only when consuming from child(0).


Probing a spilled partition. The hash table for this partition fits in memory. Corresponds to mode 3.


Repartitioning a single spilled partition (input_partition_) into hash_partitions_. Corresponds to mode 1 & 2 but reading from a spilled partition.

Definition at line 95 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PartitionedHashJoinNode::PartitionedHashJoinNode ( ObjectPool pool,
const TPlanNode &  tnode,
const DescriptorTbl descs 

Member Function Documentation

void impala::ExecNode::AddExprCtxsToFree ( const SortExecExprs sort_exec_exprs)
void impala::ExecNode::AddExprCtxToFree ( ExprContext ctx)

Add an ExprContext to have its local allocations freed by QueryMaintenance(). Exprs that are evaluated in the main execution thread should be added. Exprs evaluated in a separate thread are generally not safe to add, since a local allocation may be freed while it's being used. Rather than using this mechanism, threads should call FreeLocalAllocations() on local ExprContexts periodically.

Definition at line 276 of file exec-node.h.

References impala::ExecNode::expr_ctxs_to_free_.

Referenced by impala::AnalyticEvalNode::Prepare().

void PartitionedHashJoinNode::AddToDebugString ( int  indentation_level,
std::stringstream *  out 
) const

Gives subclasses an opportunity to add debug output to the debug string printed by DebugString().

Reimplemented from impala::BlockingJoinNode.

Definition at line 1285 of file

References build_expr_ctxs_, impala::Expr::DebugString(), and probe_expr_ctxs_.

bool PartitionedHashJoinNode::AllocateProbeFilters ( RuntimeState state)

For each 'probe_expr_' in 'ht_ctx' that is a slot ref, allocate a bitmap filter on that slot. Returns false if it should not add probe filters.

Definition at line 382 of file

References build_expr_ctxs_, impala::BlockingJoinNode::can_add_probe_filters_, ht_ctx_, probe_expr_ctxs_, probe_filters_, and impala::RuntimeState::slot_filter_bitmap_size().

Referenced by ConstructBuildSide().

bool impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::AppendRow ( BufferedTupleStream stream,
TupleRow row 

Append the row to stream. In the common case, the row is just in memory. If we run out of memory, this will spill a partition and try to add the row again. returns true if the row was added and false otherwise. If false is returned, status_ contains the error (doesn't return status because this is very perf sensitive).

Definition at line 31 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.inline.h.

References impala::BufferedTupleStream::AddRow(), AppendRowStreamFull(), and LIKELY.

Referenced by ProcessBuildBatch(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

bool PartitionedHashJoinNode::AppendRowStreamFull ( BufferedTupleStream stream,
TupleRow row 

Slow path for AppendRow() above except the stream has failed to append the row. We need to find more memory by spilling.

Definition at line 427 of file

References impala::BufferedTupleStream::AddRow(), impala::Status::ok(), ReserveTupleStreamBlocks(), SpillPartition(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::status(), status_, and using_small_buffers_.

Referenced by AppendRow().

bool PartitionedHashJoinNode::AttachProbeFilters ( RuntimeState state)
Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::BuildHashTables ( RuntimeState state)
Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::CleanUpHashPartitions ( RowBatch batch)

Call at the end of consuming the probe rows. Walks hash_partitions_ and

  • If this partition had a hash table, close it. This partition is fully processed on both the build and probe sides. The streams are transferred to batch. In the case of right-outer and full-outer joins, instead of closing this partition we put it on a list of partitions that we need to flush their unmatched rows.
  • If this partition did not have a hash table, meaning both sides were spilled, move the partition to spilled_partitions_.

Definition at line 1228 of file

References impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::build_rows(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::Close(), EvaluateNullProbe(), hash_partitions_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::hash_tbl(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::hash_tbl_, hash_tbl_iterator_, ht_ctx_, input_partition_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::is_closed(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::is_spilled(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::join_op_, NodeDebugString(), null_probe_rows_, impala::BufferedTupleStream::num_rows(), impala::Status::OK, output_build_partitions_, impala::BlockingJoinNode::probe_batch_pos_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::probe_rows(), RETURN_IF_ERROR, spilled_partitions_, and impala::BufferedTupleStream::UnpinStream().

Referenced by GetNext().

bool PartitionedHashJoinNode::CodegenProcessBuildBatch ( RuntimeState state,
llvm::Function *  hash_fn,
llvm::Function *  murmur_hash_fn 
void impala::ExecNode::CollectNodes ( TPlanNodeType::type  node_type,
std::vector< ExecNode * > *  nodes 

Collect all nodes of given 'node_type' that are part of this subtree, and return in 'nodes'.

Definition at line 359 of file

References impala::ExecNode::children_, and impala::ExecNode::type_.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::CollectScanNodes(), and impala::PlanFragmentExecutor::Prepare().

void impala::ExecNode::CollectScanNodes ( std::vector< ExecNode * > *  nodes)

Collect all scan node types.

Definition at line 366 of file

References impala::ExecNode::CollectNodes().

Referenced by impala::PlanFragmentExecutor::Prepare().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::ConstructBuildSide ( RuntimeState state)

We parallelize building the build-side with Open'ing the left child. If, for example, the left child is another join node, it can start to build its own build-side at the same time.

Implements impala::BlockingJoinNode.

Definition at line 485 of file

References AllocateProbeFilters(), AttachProbeFilters(), build_expr_ctxs_, impala::ExecNode::child(), impala::Status::OK, impala::BlockingJoinNode::Open(), impala::Expr::Open(), other_join_conjunct_ctxs_, probe_expr_ctxs_, ProcessBuildInput(), PROCESSING_PROBE, RETURN_IF_ERROR, and UpdateState().

Status impala::ExecNode::CreateNode ( ObjectPool pool,
const TPlanNode &  tnode,
const DescriptorTbl descs,
ExecNode **  node 

Create a single exec node derived from thrift node; place exec node in 'pool'.

Definition at line 260 of file

References impala::ObjectPool::Add(), impala::Status::OK, and RETURN_IF_ERROR.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::CreateTreeHelper().

void BlockingJoinNode::CreateOutputRow ( TupleRow out_row,
TupleRow probe_row,
TupleRow build_row 

Write combined row, consisting of the left child's 'probe_row' and right child's 'build_row' to 'out_row'. This is replaced by codegen.

Definition at line 240 of file

References impala::BlockingJoinNode::build_tuple_row_size_, and impala::BlockingJoinNode::probe_tuple_row_size_.

Referenced by EvaluateNullProbe(), impala::HashJoinNode::GetNext(), OutputNullAwareProbeRows(), OutputUnmatchedBuild(), impala::CrossJoinNode::ProcessLeftChildBatch(), impala::HashJoinNode::ProcessProbeBatch(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

Status impala::ExecNode::CreateTree ( ObjectPool pool,
const TPlan &  plan,
const DescriptorTbl descs,
ExecNode **  root 

Creates exec node tree from list of nodes contained in plan via depth-first traversal. All nodes are placed in pool. Returns error if 'plan' is corrupted, otherwise success.

Definition at line 199 of file

References impala::ExecNode::CreateTreeHelper(), impala::Status::OK, and impala::Status::ok().

Referenced by impala::PlanFragmentExecutor::Prepare().

Status impala::ExecNode::CreateTreeHelper ( ObjectPool pool,
const std::vector< TPlanNode > &  tnodes,
const DescriptorTbl descs,
ExecNode parent,
int *  node_idx,
ExecNode **  root 
void BlockingJoinNode::DebugString ( int  indentation_level,
std::stringstream *  out 
) const
Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::EvaluateNullProbe ( BufferedTupleStream build)

Evaluates all other_join_conjuncts against null_probe_rows_ with all the rows in build. This updates matched_null_probe_, short-circuiting if one of the conjuncts pass (i.e. there is a match). This is used for NAAJ, when there are NULL probe rows.

Definition at line 1163 of file

References impala::BlockingJoinNode::CreateOutputRow(), impala::ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::GetRows(), matched_null_probe_, null_aware_eval_timer_, null_probe_rows_, NullAwareAntiJoinError(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::num_rows(), impala::Status::OK, other_join_conjunct_ctxs_, RETURN_IF_ERROR, SCOPED_TIMER, and impala::BlockingJoinNode::semi_join_staging_row_.

Referenced by CleanUpHashPartitions(), and OutputNullAwareProbeRows().

string BlockingJoinNode::GetLeftChildRowString ( TupleRow row)

Returns a debug string for the left child's 'row'. They have tuple ptrs that are uninitialized; the left child only populates the tuple ptrs it is responsible for. This function outputs just the row values and leaves the build side values as NULL. This is only used for debugging and outputting the left child rows before doing the join.

Definition at line 222 of file

References impala::ExecNode::child(), impala::TupleRow::GetTuple(), impala::PrintTuple(), impala::ExecNode::row_desc(), and impala::RowDescriptor::tuple_descriptors().

Referenced by impala::HashJoinNode::GetNext().

int impala::ExecNode::GetNodeIdFromProfile ( RuntimeProfile p)

Extract node id from p->name().

Definition at line 62 of file

References impala::RuntimeProfile::metadata().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::Init ( const TPlanNode &  tnode)
Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::InitGetNext ( TupleRow first_left_child_row)

Init the build-side state for a new left child row (e.g. hash table iterator or list iterator) given the first row. Used in Open() to prepare for GetNext(). A NULL ptr for first_left_child_row indicates the left child eos.

Implements impala::BlockingJoinNode.

Definition at line 592 of file

References impala::Status::OK, and ResetForProbe().

void impala::ExecNode::InitRuntimeProfile ( const std::string &  name)
virtual bool impala::ExecNode::IsScanNode ( ) const

Reimplemented in impala::ScanNode.

Definition at line 251 of file exec-node.h.

int64_t PartitionedHashJoinNode::LargestSpilledPartition ( ) const

Iterates over all the partitions in hash_partitions_ and returns the number of rows of the largest partition (in terms of number of aggregated and unaggregated rows).

Definition at line 723 of file

References impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::build_rows(), hash_partitions_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::is_spilled(), and impala::BufferedTupleStream::num_rows().

Referenced by PrepareNextPartition().

int64_t impala::ExecNode::limit ( ) const
int impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::MinRequiredBuffers ( ) const

We need two output buffers per partition (one for build and one for probe) and and two additional buffers for the input (while repartitioning; for the build and probe sides). For NAAJ, we need 3 additional buffers to maintain the null_aware_partition_.

Definition at line 282 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

References impala::BlockingJoinNode::join_op_, and PARTITION_FANOUT.

Referenced by Prepare().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::NextProbeRowBatch ( RuntimeState state,
RowBatch out_batch 
Status BlockingJoinNode::Open ( RuntimeState state)
Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::Prepare ( RuntimeState state)

Subclasses should call BlockingJoinNode::Prepare() and then perform any other Prepare() work, e.g. codegen.

Reimplemented from impala::BlockingJoinNode.

Definition at line 94 of file

References impala::ObjectPool::Add(), ADD_COUNTER, ADD_TIMER, impala::ExecNode::AddExprCtxsToFree(), impala::RuntimeProfile::AddHighWaterMarkCounter(), impala::ExecNode::AddRuntimeExecOption(), impala::RuntimeState::block_mgr(), block_mgr_client_, build_expr_ctxs_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::build_rows(), impala::ExecNode::child(), impala::RuntimeState::codegen_enabled(), CodegenProcessBuildBatch(), CodegenProcessProbeBatch(), impala::ExecNode::expr_mem_tracker(), impala::RuntimeState::fragment_hash_seed(), impala::RuntimeState::GetCodegen(), ht_ctx_, impala::BufferedTupleStream::Init(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::join_op_, largest_partition_percent_, MAX_PARTITION_DEPTH, max_partition_level_, impala::ExecNode::mem_tracker(), MinRequiredBuffers(), null_aware_eval_timer_, null_aware_partition_, null_probe_rows_, num_build_rows_partitioned_, num_hash_buckets_, num_probe_rows_partitioned_, num_repartitions_, num_spilled_partitions_, impala::RuntimeState::obj_pool(), impala::Status::OK, other_join_conjunct_ctxs_, partition_build_timer_, partitions_created_, impala::ExecNode::pool_, impala::BlockingJoinNode::Prepare(), impala::Expr::Prepare(), probe_expr_ctxs_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::probe_rows(), impala::BufferedBlockMgr::RegisterClient(), RETURN_IF_ERROR, impala::ExecNode::row_desc(), impala::ExecNode::runtime_profile(), impala::ExecNode::runtime_profile_, runtime_state_, SCOPED_TIMER, and impala::RowDescriptor::tuple_descriptors().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::PrepareNextPartition ( RuntimeState state)

Moves onto the next spilled partition and initializes input_partition_. This function processes the entire build side of input_partition_ and when this function returns, we are ready to consume the probe side of input_partition_. If the build side's hash table fits in memory, we will construct input_partition_'s hash table. If it does not, meaning we need to repartition, this function will initialize hash_partitions_.

Definition at line 661 of file

References impala::Status::AddDetail(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::build_rows(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::BuildHashTable(), COUNTER_ADD, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::EstimatedInMemSize(), hash_partitions_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::hash_tbl(), hash_tbls_, ht_ctx_, impala::ExecNode::id_, input_partition_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::is_spilled(), LargestSpilledPartition(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::level_, impala::Status::MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, impala::ExecNode::mem_tracker(), NodeDebugString(), num_probe_rows_partitioned_, num_repartitions_, impala::BufferedTupleStream::num_rows(), impala::Status::OK, PARTITION_FANOUT, impala::BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForRead(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::probe_rows(), PROBING_SPILLED_PARTITION, ProcessBuildInput(), REPARTITIONING, RETURN_IF_ERROR, impala::RuntimeState::SetMemLimitExceeded(), impala::MemTracker::SpareCapacity(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::Spill(), spilled_partitions_, and UpdateState().

Referenced by GetNext().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::PrepareNullAwareNullProbe ( )

Prepares to output NULLs on the probe side for NAAJ. Before calling this, matched_null_probe_ should have been fully evaluated.

Definition at line 918 of file

References null_probe_output_idx_, null_probe_rows_, impala::Status::OK, impala::BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForRead(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::probe_batch_, impala::BlockingJoinNode::probe_batch_pos_, and RETURN_IF_ERROR.

Referenced by OutputNullAwareProbeRows(), and PrepareNullAwarePartition().

string PartitionedHashJoinNode::PrintState ( ) const

Returns the current state of the partition as a string.

Definition at line 1299 of file


Referenced by NodeDebugString().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::ProcessBuildInput ( RuntimeState state,
int  level 

Partitions the entire build input (either from child(1) or input_partition_) into hash_partitions_. When this call returns, hash_partitions_ is ready to consume the probe input. 'level' is the level new partitions (in hash_partitions_) should be created with.

Definition at line 500 of file

References impala::ObjectPool::Add(), impala::RuntimeState::batch_size(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::blocks_pinned(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::build_row_counter_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::build_rows(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::build_rows_, BuildHashTables(), impala::ExecNode::child(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::Close(), COUNTER_ADD, COUNTER_SET, GetNext(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::GetNext(), hash_partitions_, ht_ctx_, impala::ExecNode::id(), impala::ExecNode::id_, Init(), input_partition_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::is_spilled(), largest_partition_percent_, MAX_PARTITION_DEPTH, max_partition_level_, impala::Status::MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, impala::ExecNode::mem_tracker(), NodeDebugString(), non_empty_build_, num_build_rows_partitioned_, impala::BufferedTupleStream::num_rows(), impala::Status::OK, partition_build_timer_, PARTITION_FANOUT, partitions_created_, impala::ExecNode::pool_, impala::BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForRead(), process_build_batch_fn_, process_build_batch_fn_level0_, ProcessBuildBatch(), impala::ExecNode::QueryMaintenance(), RETURN_IF_CANCELLED, RETURN_IF_ERROR, impala::ExecNode::row_desc(), impala::ExecNode::runtime_profile(), SCOPED_TIMER, impala::Status::SetErrorMsg(), impala::RuntimeState::SetMemLimitExceeded(), and using_small_buffers_.

Referenced by ConstructBuildSide(), and PrepareNextPartition().

template<int const JoinOp>
int PartitionedHashJoinNode::ProcessProbeBatch ( RowBatch out_batch,
HashTableCtx ht_ctx 

Process probe rows from probe_batch_. Returns either if out_batch is full or probe_batch_ is entirely consumed. For RIGHT_ANTI_JOIN, all this function does is to mark whether each build row had a match. Returns the number of rows added to out_batch; -1 on error (and status_ will be set).

Definition at line 40 of file

References impala::RowBatch::AddRow(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::AddRow(), AppendRow(), impala::RowBatch::AtCapacity(), impala::HashTable::Iterator::AtEnd(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::build_rows(), impala::RowBatch::capacity(), impala::ExecNode::conjunct_ctxs(), impala::ExecNode::conjunct_ctxs_, impala::RowBatch::CopyRow(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::CreateOutputRow(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::current_probe_row_, impala::HashTableCtx::EvalAndHashProbe(), impala::ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(), EvalOtherJoinConjuncts(), impala::HashTable::Find(), impala::RowBatch::GetRow(), impala::HashTable::Iterator::GetRow(), impala::hash, hash_partitions_, hash_tbl_iterator_, hash_tbls_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::is_closed(), impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::is_spilled(), impala::HashTable::Iterator::IsMatched(), LIKELY, matched_null_probe_, impala::BlockingJoinNode::matched_probe_, impala::HashTable::Iterator::NextDuplicate(), non_empty_build_, null_aware_partition_, null_probe_rows_, NUM_PARTITIONING_BITS, impala::RowBatch::num_rows(), impala::BufferedTupleStream::num_rows(), other_join_conjunct_ctxs_, impala::BlockingJoinNode::probe_batch_, impala::BlockingJoinNode::probe_batch_pos_, impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::probe_rows(), PROCESSING_PROBE, impala::BlockingJoinNode::semi_join_staging_row_, impala::HashTable::Iterator::SetAtEnd(), impala::HashTable::Iterator::SetMatched(), state_, impala::BufferedTupleStream::status(), status_, and UNLIKELY.

Referenced by GetNext().

int PartitionedHashJoinNode::ProcessProbeBatch ( const TJoinOp::type  join_op,
RowBatch out_batch,
HashTableCtx ht_ctx 

Wrapper that calls the templated version of ProcessProbeBatch() based on 'join_op'.

Definition at line 227 of file

Status impala::ExecNode::QueryMaintenance ( RuntimeState state)
Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::ReserveTupleStreamBlocks ( )

For each partition in hash partitions, reserves an IO sized block on both the build and probe stream.

Definition at line 1200 of file

References impala::Status::AddDetail(), hash_partitions_, impala::ExecNode::is_closed(), impala::Status::MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, impala::Status::OK, RETURN_IF_ERROR, and using_small_buffers_.

Referenced by AppendRowStreamFull().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::Reset ( RuntimeState state)

Subclasses should reset any state modified in Open() and GetNext() and then call BlockingJoinNode::Reset().

Reimplemented from impala::BlockingJoinNode.

Definition at line 187 of file

void impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::ResetForProbe ( )
void impala::ExecNode::SetDebugOptions ( int  node_id,
TExecNodePhase::type  phase,
TDebugAction::type  action,
ExecNode tree 

Set debug action for node with given id in 'tree'.

Definition at line 332 of file

References impala::ExecNode::children_, impala::ExecNode::debug_action_, impala::ExecNode::debug_phase_, and impala::ExecNode::id_.

Referenced by impala::PlanFragmentExecutor::Prepare().

Status PartitionedHashJoinNode::SpillPartition ( Partition **  spilled_partition)

Called when we need to free up memory by spilling a partition. This function walks hash_partitions_ and picks on to spill. *spilled_partition is the partition that was spilled. Returns non-ok status if we couldn't spill a partition.

Definition at line 450 of file

References impala::RuntimeState::block_mgr(), block_mgr_client_, hash_partitions_, hash_tbls_, impala::ExecNode::is_closed(), impala::BufferedBlockMgr::MemLimitTooLowError(), NodeDebugString(), impala::Status::OK, RETURN_IF_ERROR, and runtime_state_.

Referenced by AppendRowStreamFull(), and BuildHashTables().

TPlanNodeType::type impala::ExecNode::type ( ) const
void PartitionedHashJoinNode::UpdateState ( State  s)

Updates state_ to 's', logging the transition.

Definition at line 1294 of file

References NodeDebugString(), and state_.

Referenced by ConstructBuildSide(), and PrepareNextPartition().

Member Data Documentation

BufferedBlockMgr::Client* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::block_mgr_client_

Client to the buffered block mgr.

Definition at line 306 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Close(), Prepare(), and SpillPartition().

std::vector<ExprContext*> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::build_expr_ctxs_
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> impala::BlockingJoinNode::build_pool_
RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::BlockingJoinNode::build_timer_
int impala::BlockingJoinNode::build_tuple_row_size_
bool impala::BlockingJoinNode::can_add_probe_filters_

If true, this node can add filters to the probe (left child) node after processing the entire build side.

Definition at line 98 of file blocking-join-node.h.

Referenced by AllocateProbeFilters(), AttachProbeFilters(), BuildHashTables(), impala::HashJoinNode::ConstructBuildSide(), impala::HashJoinNode::HashJoinNode(), and PartitionedHashJoinNode().

TDebugAction::type impala::ExecNode::debug_action_
TExecNodePhase::type impala::ExecNode::debug_phase_

debug-only: if debug_action_ is not INVALID, node will perform action in debug_phase_

Definition at line 219 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::ExecDebugAction(), and impala::ExecNode::SetDebugOptions().

boost::mutex impala::ExecNode::exec_options_lock_

Execution options that are determined at runtime. This is added to the runtime profile at Close(). Examples for options logged here would be "Codegen Enabled"

Definition at line 238 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::AddRuntimeExecOption().

boost::scoped_ptr<MemTracker> impala::ExecNode::expr_mem_tracker_

MemTracker that should be used for ExprContexts.

Definition at line 233 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::expr_mem_tracker(), and impala::ExecNode::Prepare().

std::vector<Partition*> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::hash_partitions_

The current set of partitions that are being built. This is only used in mode 1 and 2 when we need to partition the build and probe inputs. This is not used when processing a single partition.

Definition at line 444 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by BuildHashTables(), CleanUpHashPartitions(), Close(), GetNext(), LargestSpilledPartition(), NodeDebugString(), PrepareNextPartition(), ProcessBuildBatch(), ProcessBuildInput(), ProcessProbeBatch(), ReserveTupleStreamBlocks(), and SpillPartition().

HashTable::Iterator impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::hash_tbl_iterator_

The iterator that corresponds to the look up of current_probe_row_.

Definition at line 314 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CleanUpHashPartitions(), NextSpilledProbeRowBatch(), OutputUnmatchedBuild(), ProcessProbeBatch(), and ResetForProbe().

HashTable* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::hash_tbls_[PARTITION_FANOUT]

Cache of the per partition hash table to speed up ProcessProbeBatch. In the case where we need to partition the probe: hash_tbls_[i] = hash_partitions_[i]->hash_tbl(); In the case where we don't need to partition the probe: hash_tbls_[i] = input_partition_->hash_tbl();

Definition at line 451 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by BuildHashTables(), PartitionedHashJoinNode(), PrepareNextPartition(), ProcessProbeBatch(), and SpillPartition().

boost::scoped_ptr<HashTableCtx> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::ht_ctx_

Used for hash-related functionality, such as evaluating rows and calculating hashes. TODO: If we want to multi-thread then this context should be thread-local and not associated with the node.

Definition at line 311 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by AllocateProbeFilters(), CleanUpHashPartitions(), Close(), CodegenProcessBuildBatch(), CodegenProcessProbeBatch(), GetNext(), NextSpilledProbeRowBatch(), OutputUnmatchedBuild(), Prepare(), PrepareNextPartition(), ProcessBuildBatch(), and ProcessBuildInput().

Partition* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::input_partition_

The current input partition to be processed (not in spilled_partitions_). This partition can either serve as the source for a repartitioning step, or if the hash table fits in memory, the source of the probe rows.

Definition at line 456 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by BuildHashTables(), CleanUpHashPartitions(), Close(), GetNext(), NextSpilledProbeRowBatch(), PrepareNextPartition(), and ProcessBuildInput().

RuntimeProfile::HighWaterMarkCounter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::largest_partition_percent_

The largest fraction (of build side) after repartitioning. This is expected to be 1 / PARTITION_FANOUT. A value much larger indicates skew.

Definition at line 340 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and ProcessBuildInput().

const char * BlockingJoinNode::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::BlockingJoinNode"
std::vector<bool> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::matched_null_probe_

For each row in null_probe_rows_, true if this row has matched any build row (i.e. the resulting joined row passes other_join_conjuncts). TODO: remove this. We need to be able to put these bits inside the tuple itself.

Definition at line 493 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by EvaluateNullProbe(), OutputNullAwareNullProbe(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

bool impala::BlockingJoinNode::matched_probe_
const int impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::MAX_IN_MEM_BUILD_TABLES = PARTITION_FANOUT

Maximum number of build tables that can be in memory at any time. This is in addition to the memory constraints and is used for testing to trigger code paths for small tables. Note: In order to test the spilling paths more easily, set it to PARTITION_FANOUT / 2. TODO: Eventually remove.

Definition at line 137 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

const int impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::MAX_PARTITION_DEPTH = 16

Maximum number of times we will repartition. The maximum build table we can process is: MEM_LIMIT * (PARTITION_FANOUT ^ MAX_PARTITION_DEPTH). With a (low) 1GB limit and 64 fanout, we can support 256TB build tables in the case where there is no skew. In the case where there is skew, repartitioning is unlikely to help (assuming a reasonable hash function). Note that we need to have at least as many SEED_PRIMES in HashTableCtx. TODO: we can revisit and try harder to explicitly detect skew.

Definition at line 130 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and ProcessBuildInput().

RuntimeProfile::HighWaterMarkCounter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::max_partition_level_

Level of max partition (i.e. number of repartitioning steps).

Definition at line 326 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and ProcessBuildInput().

boost::scoped_ptr<MemTracker> impala::ExecNode::mem_tracker_

Account for peak memory used by this node.

Definition at line 230 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::mem_tracker(), and impala::ExecNode::Prepare().

const std::string impala::BlockingJoinNode::node_name_
bool impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::non_empty_build_

If true, the build side has at least one row.

Definition at line 484 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by ProcessBuildInput(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::null_aware_eval_timer_

Time spent evaluating other_join_conjuncts for NAAJ.

Definition at line 343 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by EvaluateNullProbe(), and Prepare().

Partition* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::null_aware_partition_

Partition used if null_aware_ is set. This partition is always processed at the end after all build and probe rows are processed. Rows are added to this partition along the way. In this partition's build_rows_, we store all the rows for which build_expr_ctxs_ evaluated over the row returns NULL (i.e. it has a NULL on the eq join slot). In this partition's probe_rows, we store all probe rows that did not have a match in the hash table. At the very end, we then iterate over all the probe rows. For each probe row, we return the rows that did not match any of the build rows. NULL if we this join is not null aware or we are done processing this partition.

Definition at line 477 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Close(), GetNext(), OutputNullAwareNullProbe(), OutputNullAwareProbeRows(), Prepare(), PrepareNullAwarePartition(), ProcessBuildBatch(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

int64_t impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::null_probe_output_idx_

The current index into null_probe_rows_/matched_null_probe_ that we are outputting.

Definition at line 497 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by GetNext(), OutputNullAwareNullProbe(), and PrepareNullAwareNullProbe().

BufferedTupleStream* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::null_probe_rows_

For NAAJ, this stream contains all probe rows that had NULL on the hash table conjuncts.

Definition at line 488 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CleanUpHashPartitions(), Close(), EvaluateNullProbe(), OutputNullAwareNullProbe(), Prepare(), PrepareNullAwareNullProbe(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

boost::scoped_ptr<RowBatch> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::nulls_build_batch_

Used while processing null_aware_partition_. It contains all the build tuple rows with a NULL when evaluating the hash table expr.

Definition at line 481 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Close(), GetNext(), OutputNullAwareNullProbe(), OutputNullAwareProbeRows(), and PrepareNullAwarePartition().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::num_build_rows_partitioned_

Number of build/probe rows that have been partitioned.

Definition at line 329 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and ProcessBuildInput().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::num_hash_buckets_

Total number of hash buckets across all partitions.

Definition at line 320 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare().

const int impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::NUM_PARTITIONING_BITS = 4

Needs to be the log(PARTITION_FANOUT)

Definition at line 119 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::Partition::BuildHashTableInternal(), ProcessBuildBatch(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::num_probe_rows_partitioned_

Definition at line 330 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and PrepareNextPartition().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::num_repartitions_

Number of partitions that have been repartitioned.

Definition at line 333 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and PrepareNextPartition().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::num_spilled_partitions_

Number of partitions that have been spilled.

Definition at line 336 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare().

std::vector<ExprContext*> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::other_join_conjunct_ctxs_

Non-equi-join conjuncts from the JOIN clause.

Definition at line 296 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Close(), CodegenProcessProbeBatch(), ConstructBuildSide(), EvaluateNullProbe(), Init(), OutputNullAwareProbeRows(), Prepare(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

std::list<Partition*> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::output_build_partitions_

In the case of right-outer and full-outer joins, this is the list of the partitions that we need to output their unmatched build rows. We always flush the unmatched rows of the partition that it is in the front.

Definition at line 461 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CleanUpHashPartitions(), Close(), GetNext(), NextSpilledProbeRowBatch(), and OutputUnmatchedBuild().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::partition_build_timer_

Total time spent partitioning build.

Definition at line 317 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and ProcessBuildInput().

const int impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::PARTITION_FANOUT = 16

Number of initial partitions to create. Must be a power of two. TODO: this is set to a lower than actual value for testing.

Definition at line 116 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by BuildHashTables(), MinRequiredBuffers(), PrepareNextPartition(), and ProcessBuildInput().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::partitions_created_

Total number of partitions created.

Definition at line 323 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and ProcessBuildInput().

std::vector<ExprContext*> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::probe_expr_ctxs_

Our equi-join predicates "<lhs> = <rhs>" are separated into build_expr_ctxs_ (over child(1)) and probe_expr_ctxs_ (over child(0))

Definition at line 292 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by AddToDebugString(), AllocateProbeFilters(), Close(), ConstructBuildSide(), Init(), and Prepare().

std::vector<std::pair<SlotId, Bitmap*> > impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::probe_filters_

Used for concentrating the existence bits from all the partitions, used by the probe-side filter optimization.

Definition at line 465 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by AllocateProbeFilters(), and AttachProbeFilters().

int impala::BlockingJoinNode::probe_tuple_row_size_

Size of the TupleRow (just the Tuple ptrs) from the build (right) and probe (left) sides. Set to zero if the build/probe tuples are not returned, e.g., for semi joins. Cached because it is used in the hot path.

Definition at line 88 of file blocking-join-node.h.

Referenced by impala::HashJoinNode::CodegenCreateOutputRow(), CodegenCreateOutputRow(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::CreateOutputRow(), and impala::BlockingJoinNode::Prepare().

ProcessBuildBatchFn impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::process_build_batch_fn_

Jitted ProcessBuildBatch function pointers. NULL if codegen is disabled. process_build_batch_fn_level0_ uses CRC hashing when available and is used when the partition level is 0, otherwise process_build_batch_fn_ uses murmur hash and is used for subsequent levels.

Definition at line 423 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CodegenProcessBuildBatch(), and ProcessBuildInput().

ProcessBuildBatchFn impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::process_build_batch_fn_level0_

Definition at line 424 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CodegenProcessBuildBatch(), and ProcessBuildInput().

ProcessProbeBatchFn impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::process_probe_batch_fn_

Jitted ProcessProbeBatch function pointer. NULL if codegen is disabled. process_probe_batch_fn_level0_ uses CRC hashing when available and is used when the partition level is 0, otherwise process_probe_batch_fn_ uses murmur hash and is used for subsequent levels.

Definition at line 433 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CodegenProcessProbeBatch(), and GetNext().

ProcessProbeBatchFn impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::process_probe_batch_fn_level0_

Definition at line 434 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CodegenProcessProbeBatch(), and GetNext().

RowDescriptor impala::ExecNode::row_descriptor_
const string impala::ExecNode::ROW_THROUGHPUT_COUNTER = "RowsReturnedRate"

Names of counters shared by all exec nodes.

Definition at line 169 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::Prepare().

RuntimeProfile::Counter* impala::ExecNode::rows_returned_rate_

Definition at line 227 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::Prepare().

std::string impala::ExecNode::runtime_exec_options_

Definition at line 239 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::AddRuntimeExecOption().

RuntimeState* impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::runtime_state_

Definition at line 288 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by Prepare(), and SpillPartition().

TupleRow* impala::BlockingJoinNode::semi_join_staging_row_

Row assembled from all lhs and rhs tuples used for evaluating the non-equi-join conjuncts for semi joins. Semi joins only return the lhs or rhs output tuples, so this tuple is temporarily assembled for evaluating the conjuncts.

Definition at line 94 of file blocking-join-node.h.

Referenced by impala::BlockingJoinNode::Close(), EvaluateNullProbe(), OutputNullAwareProbeRows(), impala::BlockingJoinNode::Prepare(), impala::HashJoinNode::ProcessProbeBatch(), and ProcessProbeBatch().

std::list<Partition*> impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::spilled_partitions_

The list of partitions that have been spilled on both sides and still need more processing. These partitions could need repartitioning, in which cases more partitions will be added to this list after repartitioning.

Definition at line 439 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by CleanUpHashPartitions(), Close(), NodeDebugString(), and PrepareNextPartition().

State impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::state_

State of the algorithm. Used just for debugging.

Definition at line 302 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by GetNext(), PrintState(), ProcessProbeBatch(), and UpdateState().

Status impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::status_
TPlanNodeType::type impala::ExecNode::type_

Definition at line 210 of file exec-node.h.

Referenced by impala::ExecNode::CollectNodes(), and impala::ExecNode::type().

bool impala::PartitionedHashJoinNode::using_small_buffers_

If true, the partitions in hash_partitions_ are using small buffers.

Definition at line 299 of file partitioned-hash-join-node.h.

Referenced by AppendRowStreamFull(), ProcessBuildInput(), and ReserveTupleStreamBlocks().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: