#include <simple-scheduler.h>
Public Types | |
typedef std::vector < TBackendDescriptor > | BackendList |
List of server descriptors. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
SimpleScheduler (StatestoreSubscriber *subscriber, const std::string &backend_id, const TNetworkAddress &backend_address, MetricGroup *metrics, Webserver *webserver, ResourceBroker *resource_broker, RequestPoolService *request_pool_service) | |
SimpleScheduler (const std::vector< TNetworkAddress > &backends, MetricGroup *metrics, Webserver *webserver, ResourceBroker *resource_broker, RequestPoolService *request_pool_service) | |
virtual Status | GetBackends (const std::vector< TNetworkAddress > &data_locations, BackendList *backends) |
virtual impala::Status | GetBackend (const TNetworkAddress &data_location, TBackendDescriptor *backend) |
virtual void | GetAllKnownBackends (BackendList *backends) |
Return a list of all backends known to the scheduler. More... | |
virtual bool | HasLocalBackend (const TNetworkAddress &data_location) |
Return true if there is a backend located on the given data_location. More... | |
virtual impala::Status | Init () |
Registers with the subscription manager if required. More... | |
virtual Status | Schedule (Coordinator *coord, QuerySchedule *schedule) |
virtual Status | Release (QuerySchedule *schedule) |
Releases the reserved resources (if any) from the given schedule. More... | |
virtual void | HandlePreemptedReservation (const TUniqueId &reservation_id) |
virtual void | HandlePreemptedResource (const TUniqueId &client_resource_id) |
virtual void | HandleLostResource (const TUniqueId &client_resource_id) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const std::string | IMPALA_MEMBERSHIP_TOPIC |
Private Types | |
typedef boost::unordered_map < std::string, std::list < TBackendDescriptor > > | BackendMap |
Map from a datanode's IP address to a list of backend addresses running on that node. More... | |
typedef boost::unordered_map < std::string, std::string > | BackendIpAddressMap |
typedef boost::unordered_map < std::string, TBackendDescriptor > | BackendIdMap |
typedef boost::unordered_map < TUniqueId, Coordinator * > | ActiveReservationsMap |
typedef boost::unordered_map < TUniqueId, Coordinator * > | ActiveClientResourcesMap |
Private Member Functions | |
void | AddToActiveResourceMaps (const TResourceBrokerReservationResponse &reservation, Coordinator *coord) |
void | RemoveFromActiveResourceMaps (const TResourceBrokerReservationResponse &reservation) |
void | UpdateMembership (const StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap &incoming_topic_deltas, std::vector< TTopicDelta > *subscriber_topic_updates) |
Called asynchronously when an update is received from the subscription manager. More... | |
void | BackendsUrlCallback (const Webserver::ArgumentMap &args, rapidjson::Document *document) |
Status | GetRequestPool (const std::string &user, const TQueryOptions &query_options, std::string *pool) const |
Determines the pool for a user and query options via request_pool_service_. More... | |
Status | ComputeScanRangeAssignment (const TQueryExecRequest &exec_request, QuerySchedule *schedule) |
Status | ComputeScanRangeAssignment (PlanNodeId node_id, const std::vector< TScanRangeLocations > &locations, const std::vector< TNetworkAddress > &host_list, bool exec_at_coord, const TQueryOptions &query_options, FragmentScanRangeAssignment *assignment) |
void | ComputeFragmentExecParams (const TQueryExecRequest &exec_request, QuerySchedule *schedule) |
Populates fragment_exec_params_ in schedule. More... | |
void | ComputeFragmentHosts (const TQueryExecRequest &exec_request, QuerySchedule *schedule) |
PlanNodeId | FindLeftmostNode (const TPlan &plan, const std::vector< TPlanNodeType::type > &types) |
int | FindLeftmostInputFragment (int fragment_idx, const TQueryExecRequest &exec_request) |
void | GetScanHosts (TPlanNodeId scan_id, const TQueryExecRequest &exec_request, const FragmentExecParams ¶ms, std::vector< TNetworkAddress > *scan_hosts) |
Adds all hosts the given scan is executed on to scan_hosts. More... | |
bool | ContainsNode (const TPlan &plan, TPlanNodeType::type type) |
Returns true if 'plan' contains a node of the given type. More... | |
void | FindNodes (const TPlan &plan, const std::vector< TPlanNodeType::type > &types, std::vector< TPlanNodeId > *results) |
Returns all ids of nodes in 'plan' of any of the given types. More... | |
int | FindSenderFragment (TPlanNodeId exch_id, int fragment_idx, const TQueryExecRequest &exec_request) |
Performs simple scheduling by matching between a list of backends configured either from the statestore, or from a static list of addresses, and a list of target data locations. TODO: Notice when there are duplicate statestore registrations (IMPALA-23) TODO: Handle deltas from the statestore
Definition at line 46 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Maps from client resource id to the coordinator of the query using that resource. The map is used to cancel queries whose resource(s) have been preempted. Entries are added in Schedule() calls that result in granted resource allocations. Entries are removed in Release().
Definition at line 167 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Maps from a Llama reservation id to the coordinator of the query using that reservation. The map is used to cancel queries whose reservation has been preempted. Entries are added in Schedule() calls that result in granted resource allocations. Entries are removed in Release().
Definition at line 160 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Map from unique backend id to TBackendDescriptor. Used to track the known backends from the statestore. It's important to track both the backend ID as well as the TBackendDescriptor so we know what is being removed in a given update. Locking of this map is not needed since it should only be read/modified from within the UpdateMembership() function.
Definition at line 116 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Map from a datanode's hostname to its IP address to support both hostname based lookup.
Definition at line 108 of file simple-scheduler.h.
inherited |
List of server descriptors.
Definition at line 45 of file scheduler.h.
private |
Map from a datanode's IP address to a list of backend addresses running on that node.
Definition at line 103 of file simple-scheduler.h.
impala::SimpleScheduler::SimpleScheduler | ( | StatestoreSubscriber * | subscriber, |
const std::string & | backend_id, | ||
const TNetworkAddress & | backend_address, | ||
MetricGroup * | metrics, | ||
Webserver * | webserver, | ||
ResourceBroker * | resource_broker, | ||
RequestPoolService * | request_pool_service | ||
) |
Initialize with a subscription manager that we can register with for updates to the set of available backends.
impala::SimpleScheduler::SimpleScheduler | ( | const std::vector< TNetworkAddress > & | backends, |
MetricGroup * | metrics, | ||
Webserver * | webserver, | ||
ResourceBroker * | resource_broker, | ||
RequestPoolService * | request_pool_service | ||
) |
Initialize with a list of <host:port> pairs in 'static' mode - i.e. the set of backends is fixed and will not be updated.
private |
Adds the granted reservation and resources to the active_reservations_ and active_client_resources_ maps, respectively.
Definition at line 916 of file
private |
Webserver callback that produces a list of known backends. Example output: "backends": [ "" ],
Definition at line 252 of file
References backends, and impala::TNetworkAddressToString().
private |
Populates fragment_exec_params_ in schedule.
Definition at line 599 of file
References impala::FragmentExecParams::destinations, impala::QuerySchedule::exec_params(), impala::FragmentExecParams::hosts, impala::FragmentExecParams::instance_ids, impala::QuerySchedule::query_id(), impala::FragmentExecParams::sender_id_base, impala::QuerySchedule::set_num_backends(), and VLOG_RPC.
private |
For each fragment in exec_request, computes hosts on which to run the instances and stores result in fragment_exec_params_.hosts.
Definition at line 658 of file
References impala::QuerySchedule::exec_params(), impala::FragmentExecParams::hosts, impala::MakeNetworkAddress(), and impala::QuerySchedule::SetUniqueHosts().
private |
Computes the assignment of scan ranges to hosts for each scan node in schedule. Unpartitioned fragments are assigned to the coord. Populates the schedule's fragment_exec_params_ with the resulting scan range assignment.
Definition at line 438 of file
References impala::QuerySchedule::AddScanRanges(), impala::QuerySchedule::exec_params(), impala::QuerySchedule::GetFragmentIdx(), impala::OK, impala::QuerySchedule::query_options(), and RETURN_IF_ERROR.
private |
Does a scan range assignment (returned in 'assignment') based on a list of scan range locations for a particular scan node. If exec_at_coord is true, all scan ranges will be assigned to the coord node.
private |
Returns true if 'plan' contains a node of the given type.
Definition at line 758 of file
private |
Returns the index (w/in exec_request.fragments) of fragment that sends its output to exec_request.fragment[fragment_idx]'s leftmost ExchangeNode. Returns INVALID_PLAN_NODE_ID if the leftmost node is not an exchange node.
Definition at line 798 of file
private |
Returns the id of the leftmost node of any of the given types in 'plan', or INVALID_PLAN_NODE_ID if no such node present.
Definition at line 740 of file
private |
Returns all ids of nodes in 'plan' of any of the given types.
Definition at line 765 of file
private |
Returns the index (w/in exec_request.fragments) of fragment that sends its output to the given exchange in the given fragment index.
Definition at line 812 of file
virtual |
Return a list of all backends known to the scheduler.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 429 of file
virtual |
Return a backend such that the impalad at backend.address should be used to read data from the given data_loation
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 376 of file
References impala::OK, VLOG_FILE, and VLOG_FILE_IS_ON.
virtual |
Returns a list of backends such that the impalad at backends[i] should be used to read data from data_locations[i]. For each data_location, we choose a backend whose host matches the data_location in a round robin fashion and insert it into backends. If no match is found for a data location, assign the data location in round-robin order to any of the backends. If the set of available backends is updated between calls, round-robin state is reset.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 364 of file
References impala::OK.
private |
Determines the pool for a user and query options via request_pool_service_.
Definition at line 826 of file
private |
Adds all hosts the given scan is executed on to scan_hosts.
Definition at line 777 of file
References impala::MakeNetworkAddress(), and impala::FragmentExecParams::scan_range_assignment.
virtual |
Notifies this scheduler that a single resource with the given client resource id has been lost by the central scheduler (Yarn via Llama). All affected queries are cancelled via their coordinator.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 981 of file
virtual |
Notifies this scheduler that a resource reservation has been preempted by the central scheduler (Yarn via Llama). All affected queries are cancelled via their coordinator.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 944 of file
virtual |
Notifies this scheduler that a single resource with the given client resource id has been preempted by the central scheduler (Yarn via Llama). All affected queries are cancelled via their coordinator.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 962 of file
inlinevirtual |
Return true if there is a backend located on the given data_location.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 81 of file simple-scheduler.h.
References backend_map_, and backend_map_lock_.
virtual |
Registers with the subscription manager if required.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 181 of file
References impala::Status::AddDetail(), impala::ASSIGNMENTS_KEY(), impala::BACKENDS_TEMPLATE, impala::BACKENDS_WEB_PAGE, impala::FindFirstNonLocalhost(), impala::Status::GetDetail(), impala::HostnameToIpAddrs(), impala::IsWildcardAddress(), impala::LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS_KEY(), impala::MakeNetworkAddress(), impala::NUM_BACKENDS_KEY(), impala::OK, impala::Status::ok(), RETURN_IF_ERROR, and impala::SCHEDULER_INIT_KEY().
virtual |
Releases the reserved resources (if any) from the given schedule.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 896 of file
References impala::QuerySchedule::NeedsRelease(), impala::OK, impala::QuerySchedule::reservation(), and RETURN_IF_ERROR.
private |
Removes the given reservation and resources from the active_reservations_ and active_client_resources_ maps, respectively.
Definition at line 930 of file
virtual |
Populates given query schedule whose execution is to be coordinated by coord. Assigns fragments to hosts based on scan ranges in the query exec request. If resource management is enabled, also reserves resources from the central resource manager (Yarn via Llama) to run the query in. This function blocks until the reservation request has been granted or denied.
Implements impala::Scheduler.
Definition at line 847 of file
References impala::Status::AddDetail(), impala::DEFAULT_USER(), impala::QuerySchedule::effective_user(), impala::ERROR_USER_NOT_SPECIFIED(), impala::GetTablesMissingStatsWarning(), impala::OK, impala::Status::ok(), pool, impala::QuerySchedule::PrepareReservationRequest(), impala::QuerySchedule::query_options(), impala::QuerySchedule::request(), impala::QuerySchedule::reservation(), impala::QuerySchedule::reservation_request(), RETURN_IF_ERROR, impala::QuerySchedule::set_num_hosts(), impala::QuerySchedule::set_request_pool(), and impala::QuerySchedule::ValidateReservation().
private |
Called asynchronously when an update is received from the subscription manager.
Definition at line 265 of file
References DeserializeThriftMsg(), impala::Status::GetDetail(), and impala::Status::ok().
private |
Definition at line 168 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Definition at line 161 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Protects active_reservations_ and active_client_resources_.
Definition at line 154 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Used to make admission decisions in 'Schedule()'.
Definition at line 179 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Describes this backend, including the Impalad service address.
Definition at line 137 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Unique - across the cluster - identifier for this impala backend.
Definition at line 134 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Definition at line 109 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Definition at line 104 of file simple-scheduler.h.
Referenced by HasLocalBackend().
private |
Protects access to backend_map_ and backend_ip_map_, which might otherwise be updated asynchronously with respect to reads. Also protects the locality counters, which are updated in GetBackends.
Definition at line 100 of file simple-scheduler.h.
Referenced by HasLocalBackend().
private |
Definition at line 117 of file simple-scheduler.h.
static |
Definition at line 48 of file simple-scheduler.h.
Referenced by impala::ImpalaServer::ImpalaServer(), and impala::ImpalaServer::MembershipCallback().
private |
Initialisation metric.
Definition at line 146 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
MetricGroup subsystem access.
Definition at line 120 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
round robin entry in BackendMap for non-local host assignment
Definition at line 126 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Current number of backends.
Definition at line 148 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Used for user-to-pool resolution and looking up pool configurations. Not owned by us.
Definition at line 176 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Resource broker that mediates resource requests between Impala and the Llama. Set to NULL if resource management is disabled.
Definition at line 172 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Pointer to a subscription manager (which we do not own) which is used to register for dynamic updates to the set of available backends. May be NULL if the set of backends is fixed.
Definition at line 131 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Definition at line 139 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Locality metrics.
Definition at line 142 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Definition at line 143 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Counts the number of UpdateMembership invocations, to help throttle the logging.
Definition at line 151 of file simple-scheduler.h.
private |
Webserver for /backends. Not owned by us.
Definition at line 123 of file simple-scheduler.h.