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#include "common/logging.h"
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 DEFINE_string (hostname,"","Hostname to use for this daemon, also used as part of ""the Kerberos principal, if enabled. If not set, the system default will be"" used")
 DEFINE_int32 (be_port, 22000,"port on which ImpalaInternalService is exported")
 DEFINE_string (principal,"","Kerberos principal. If set, both client and backend network""connections will use Kerberos encryption and authentication.")
 DEFINE_string (be_principal,"","Kerberos principal for backend network connections only,""overriding --principal if set.")
 DEFINE_string (keytab_file,"","Absolute path to Kerberos keytab file")
 DEFINE_string (krb5_conf,"","Absolute path to Kerberos krb5.conf if in a non-standard ""location. Does not normally need to be set.")
 DEFINE_string (krb5_debug_file,"","Turn on Kerberos debugging and output to this file")
 DEFINE_string (mem_limit,"80%","Process memory limit specified as number of bytes ""('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), ""or percentage of the physical memory ('<int>%'). ""Defaults to bytes if no unit is given")
 DEFINE_bool (enable_process_lifetime_heap_profiling, false,"(Advanced) Enables heap ""profiling for the lifetime of the process. Profile output will be stored in the ""directory specified by -heap_profile_dir. Enabling this option will disable the ""on-demand/remote server profile handlers.")
 DEFINE_string (heap_profile_dir,"","Output directory to store heap profiles. If not set "" profiles are stored in the current working directory.")
 DEFINE_bool (abort_on_config_error, true,"Abort Impala startup if there are improper ""configs or running on unsupported hardware.")
 DEFINE_bool (disable_mem_pools, false,"Set to true to disable memory pooling. ""This can be used to help diagnose memory corruption issues.")
 DEFINE_bool (compact_catalog_topic, false,"If true, catalog updates sent via the ""statestore are compacted before transmission. This saves network bandwidth at the"" cost of a small quantity of CPU time. Enable this option in cluster with large"" catalogs. It must be enabled on both the catalog service, and all Impala demons.")
 DEFINE_string (redaction_rules_file,"","Absolute path to sensitive data redaction ""rules. The rules will be applied to all log messages and query text shown in the ""Web UI and audit records. Query results will not be affected. Refer to the ""documentation for the rule file format.")

Function Documentation

DEFINE_bool ( enable_process_lifetime_heap_profiling  ,
false  ,
"(Advanced) Enables heap ""profiling for the lifetime of the process. Profile output will be stored in the ""directory specified by -heap_profile_dir. Enabling this option will disable the ""on-demand/remote server profile handlers."   
DEFINE_bool ( abort_on_config_error  ,
true  ,
"Abort Impala startup if there are improper ""configs or running on unsupported hardware."   
DEFINE_bool ( disable_mem_pools  ,
false  ,
"Set to true to disable memory pooling. ""This can be used to help diagnose memory corruption issues."   
DEFINE_bool ( compact_catalog_topic  ,
false  ,
"If  true,
catalog updates sent via the""statestore are compacted before transmission.This saves network bandwidth at the""cost of a small quantity of CPU time.Enable this option in cluster with large""catalogs.It must be enabled on both the catalog  service,
and all Impala demons."   
DEFINE_int32 ( be_port  ,
22000  ,
"port on which ImpalaInternalService is exported"   
DEFINE_string ( hostname  ,
""  ,
"Hostname to use for this  daemon,
also used as part of""the Kerberos  principal,
if enabled.If not  set,
the system default will be""used"   
DEFINE_string ( principal  ,
""  ,
"Kerberos principal. If  set,
both client and backend network""connections will use Kerberos encryption and authentication."   
DEFINE_string ( be_principal  ,
""  ,
"Kerberos principal for backend network connections  only,
""overriding--principal if set."   
DEFINE_string ( keytab_file  ,
""  ,
"Absolute path to Kerberos keytab file"   
DEFINE_string ( krb5_conf  ,
""  ,
"Absolute path to Kerberos krb5.conf if in a non-standard ""location. Does not normally need to be set."   
DEFINE_string ( krb5_debug_file  ,
""  ,
"Turn on Kerberos debugging and output to this file"   
DEFINE_string ( mem_limit  ,
"80%"  ,
"Process memory limit specified as number of bytes ""  '<int>[bB]?',
megabytes('< float >[mM]')  ,
gigabytes('< float >[gG]')  ,
""or percentage of the physical memory('< int >%').""Defaults to bytes if no unit is given"   
DEFINE_string ( heap_profile_dir  ,
""  ,
"Output directory to store heap profiles. If not set "" profiles are stored in the current working directory."   
DEFINE_string ( redaction_rules_file  ,
""  ,
"Absolute path to sensitive data redaction ""rules. The rules will be applied to all log messages and query text shown in the ""Web UI and audit records. Query results will not be affected. Refer to the ""documentation for the rule file format."   