Overview of Impala Tables

Tables are the primary containers for data in Impala. They have the familiar row and column layout similar to other database systems, plus some features such as partitioning often associated with higher-end data warehouse systems.

Logically, each table has a structure based on the definition of its columns, partitions, and other properties.

Physically, each table that uses HDFS storage is associated with a directory in HDFS. The table data consists of all the data files underneath that directory:

Impala tables can also represent data that is stored in HBase, in the Amazon S3 filesystem (Impala 2.2 or higher), on Isilon storage devices (Impala 2.2.3 or higher), or in Apache Ozone (Impala 4.2 or higher). See Using Impala to Query HBase Tables, Using Impala with Amazon S3 Object Store, Using Impala with Isilon Storage, and Using Impala with Apache Ozone Storage for details about those special kinds of tables.

Impala queries ignore files with extensions commonly used for temporary work files by Hadoop tools. Any files with extensions .tmp or .copying are not considered part of the Impala table. The suffix matching is case-insensitive, so for example Impala ignores both .copying and .COPYING suffixes.

Related statements: CREATE TABLE Statement, DROP TABLE Statement, ALTER TABLE Statement INSERT Statement, LOAD DATA Statement, SELECT Statement

Internal Tables

The default kind of table produced by the CREATE TABLE statement is known as an internal table. (Its counterpart is the external table, produced by the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE syntax.)


You can switch a table from internal to external, or from external to internal, by using the ALTER TABLE statement:

-- Switch a table from internal to external.

-- Switch a table from external to internal.
If the Kudu service is integrated with the Hive Metastore, the above operations are not supported.

Related information:

External Tables, CREATE TABLE Statement, DROP TABLE Statement, ALTER TABLE Statement, DESCRIBE Statement

External Tables

The syntax CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE sets up an Impala table that points at existing data files, potentially in HDFS locations outside the normal Impala data directories.. This operation saves the expense of importing the data into a new table when you already have the data files in a known location in HDFS, in the desired file format.


You can switch a table from internal to external, or from external to internal, by using the ALTER TABLE statement:

-- Switch a table from internal to external.

-- Switch a table from external to internal.
If the Kudu service is integrated with the Hive Metastore, the above operations are not supported.

Related information:

Internal Tables, CREATE TABLE Statement, DROP TABLE Statement, ALTER TABLE Statement, DESCRIBE Statement

File Formats

Each table has an associated file format, which determines how Impala interprets the associated data files. See How Impala Works with Hadoop File Formats for details.

You set the file format during the CREATE TABLE statement, or change it later using the ALTER TABLE statement. Partitioned tables can have a different file format for individual partitions, allowing you to change the file format used in your ETL process for new data without going back and reconverting all the existing data in the same table.

Any INSERT statements produce new data files with the current file format of the table. For existing data files, changing the file format of the table does not automatically do any data conversion. You must use TRUNCATE TABLE or INSERT OVERWRITE to remove any previous data files that use the old file format. Then you use the LOAD DATA statement, INSERT ... SELECT, or other mechanism to put data files of the correct format into the table.

The default file format, text, is the most flexible and easy to produce when you are just getting started with Impala. The Parquet file format offers the highest query performance and uses compression to reduce storage requirements; therefore, where practical, use Parquet for Impala tables with substantial amounts of data. Also, the complex types (ARRAY, STRUCT, and MAP) available in Impala 2.3 and higher are currently only supported with the Parquet file type. Based on your existing ETL workflow, you might use other file formats such as Avro, possibly doing a final conversion step to Parquet to take advantage of its performance for analytic queries.

Kudu Tables

By default, tables stored in Apache Kudu are treated specially, because Kudu manages its data independently of HDFS files.

All metadata that Impala needs is stored in the HMS.

When Kudu is not integrated with the HMS, when you create a Kudu table through Impala, the table is assigned an internal Kudu table name of the form impala::db_name.table_name. You can see the Kudu-assigned name in the output of DESCRIBE FORMATTED, in the kudu.table_name field of the table properties.

For Impala-Kudu managed tables, ALTER TABLE ... RENAME renames both the Impala and the Kudu table.

For Impala-Kudu external tables, ALTER TABLE ... RENAME renames just the Impala table. To change the Kudu table that an Impala external table points to, use ALTER TABLE impala_name SET TBLPROPERTIES('kudu.table_name' = 'different_kudu_table_name'). The underlying Kudu table must already exist.

In practice, external tables are typically used to access underlying Kudu tables that were created outside of Impala, that is, through the Kudu API.

The SHOW TABLE STATS output for a Kudu table shows Kudu-specific details about the layout of the table. Instead of information about the number and sizes of files, the information is divided by the Kudu tablets. For each tablet, the output includes the fields # Rows (although this number is not currently computed), Start Key, Stop Key, Leader Replica, and # Replicas. The output of SHOW COLUMN STATS, illustrating the distribution of values within each column, is the same for Kudu tables as for HDFS-backed tables.

If the Kudu service is not integrated with the Hive Metastore, the distinction between internal and external tables has some special details for Kudu tables. Tables created entirely through Impala are internal tables. The table name as represented within Kudu includes notation such as an impala:: prefix and the Impala database name. External Kudu tables are those created by a non-Impala mechanism, such as a user application calling the Kudu APIs. For these tables, the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE syntax lets you establish a mapping from Impala to the existing Kudu table:

  TBLPROPERTIES('kudu.table_name' = 'original_kudu_name');
External Kudu tables differ in one important way from other external tables: adding or dropping a column or range partition changes the data in the underlying Kudu table, in contrast to an HDFS-backed external table where existing data files are left untouched.