This is the complete list of members for impala::RawValue, including all inherited members.
ASCII_PRECISION | impala::RawValue | static |
Compare(const void *v1, const void *v2, const ColumnType &type) | impala::RawValue | static |
Eq(const void *v1, const void *v2, const ColumnType &type) | impala::RawValue | inlinestatic |
GetHashValue(const void *v, const ColumnType &type, uint32_t seed=0) | impala::RawValue | inlinestatic |
GetHashValueFnv(const void *v, const ColumnType &type, uint32_t seed) | impala::RawValue | inlinestatic |
HASH32_COMBINE_SEED | impala::RawValue | privatestatic |
HashCombine32(uint32_t value, uint32_t seed) | impala::RawValue | inlineprivatestatic |
PrintValue(const void *value, const ColumnType &type, int scale, std::stringstream *stream) | impala::RawValue | inlinestatic |
PrintValue(const void *value, const ColumnType &type, int scale, std::string *str) | impala::RawValue | static |
PrintValueAsBytes(const void *value, const ColumnType &type, std::stringstream *stream) | impala::RawValue | static |
Write(const void *value, Tuple *tuple, const SlotDescriptor *slot_desc, MemPool *pool) | impala::RawValue | static |
Write(const void *src, void *dst, const ColumnType &type, MemPool *pool) | impala::RawValue | static |
Write(const void *src, const ColumnType &type, void *dst, uint8_t **buf) | impala::RawValue | static |