Overview of Impala Views

Views are lightweight logical constructs that act as aliases for queries. You can specify a view name in a query (a SELECT statement or the SELECT portion of an INSERT statement) where you would usually specify a table name.

A view lets you:

The SQL statements that configure views are CREATE VIEW Statement, ALTER VIEW Statement, and DROP VIEW Statement. You can specify view names when querying data (SELECT Statement) and copying data from one table to another (INSERT Statement). The WITH clause creates an inline view, that only exists for the duration of a single query.

[localhost:21000] > create view trivial as select * from customer;
[localhost:21000] > create view some_columns as select c_first_name, c_last_name, c_login from customer;
[localhost:21000] > select * from some_columns limit 5;
Query finished, fetching results ...
| c_first_name | c_last_name | c_login |
| Javier       | Lewis       |         |
| Amy          | Moses       |         |
| Latisha      | Hamilton    |         |
| Michael      | White       |         |
| Robert       | Moran       |         |
[localhost:21000] > create view ordered_results as select * from some_columns order by c_last_name desc, c_first_name desc limit 1000;
[localhost:21000] > select * from ordered_results limit 5;
Query: select * from ordered_results limit 5
Query finished, fetching results ...
| c_first_name | c_last_name | c_login |
| Thomas       | Zuniga      |         |
| Sarah        | Zuniga      |         |
| Norma        | Zuniga      |         |
| Lloyd        | Zuniga      |         |
| Lisa         | Zuniga      |         |
Returned 5 row(s) in 0.48s

The previous example uses descending order for ORDERED_RESULTS because in the sample TPCD-H data, there are some rows with empty strings for both C_FIRST_NAME and C_LAST_NAME, making the lowest-ordered names unuseful in a sample query.

create view visitors_by_day as select day, count(distinct visitors) as howmany from web_traffic group by day;
create view top_10_days as select day, howmany from visitors_by_day order by howmany limit 10;
select * from top_10_days;

Usage notes:

To see the definition of a view, issue a DESCRIBE FORMATTED statement, which shows the query from the original CREATE VIEW statement:
[localhost:21000] > create view v1 as select * from t1;
[localhost:21000] > describe formatted v1;
Query finished, fetching results ...
| name                         | type                         | comment    |
| # col_name                   | data_type                    | comment    |
|                              | NULL                         | NULL       |
| x                            | int                          | None       |
| y                            | int                          | None       |
| s                            | string                       | None       |
|                              | NULL                         | NULL       |
| # Detailed Table Information | NULL                         | NULL       |
| Database:                    | views                        | NULL       |
| Owner:                       | doc_demo                     | NULL       |
| CreateTime:                  | Mon Jul 08 15:56:27 EDT 2013 | NULL       |
| LastAccessTime:              | UNKNOWN                      | NULL       |
| Protect Mode:                | None                         | NULL       |
| Retention:                   | 0                            | NULL       |
| Table Type:                  | VIRTUAL_VIEW                 | NULL       |
| Table Parameters:            | NULL                         | NULL       |
|                              | transient_lastDdlTime        | 1373313387 |
|                              | NULL                         | NULL       |
| # Storage Information        | NULL                         | NULL       |
| SerDe Library:               | null                         | NULL       |
| InputFormat:                 | null                         | NULL       |
| OutputFormat:                | null                         | NULL       |
| Compressed:                  | No                           | NULL       |
| Num Buckets:                 | 0                            | NULL       |
| Bucket Columns:              | []                           | NULL       |
| Sort Columns:                | []                           | NULL       |
|                              | NULL                         | NULL       |
| # View Information           | NULL                         | NULL       |
| View Original Text:          | SELECT * FROM t1             | NULL       |
| View Expanded Text:          | SELECT * FROM t1             | NULL       |

Prior to Impala 1.4.0, it was not possible to use the CREATE TABLE LIKE view_name syntax. In Impala 1.4.0 and higher, you can create a table with the same column definitions as a view using the CREATE TABLE LIKE technique. Although CREATE TABLE LIKE normally inherits the file format of the original table, a view has no underlying file format, so CREATE TABLE LIKE view_name produces a text table by default. To specify a different file format, include a STORED AS file_format clause at the end of the CREATE TABLE LIKE statement.

Complex type considerations:

For tables containing complex type columns (ARRAY, STRUCT, or MAP), you typically use join queries to refer to the complex values. You can use views to hide the join notation, making such tables seem like traditional denormalized tables, and making those tables queryable by business intelligence tools that do not have built-in support for those complex types. See Accessing Complex Type Data in Flattened Form Using Views for details.

The STRAIGHT_JOIN hint affects the join order of table references in the query block containing the hint. It does not affect the join order of nested queries, such as views, inline views, or WHERE-clause subqueries. To use this hint for performance tuning of complex queries, apply the hint to all query blocks that need a fixed join order.


Related statements: CREATE VIEW Statement, ALTER VIEW Statement, DROP VIEW Statement